French Language Blog

Tag Archives: French language

French Vocabulary – Working Out Posted by on Apr 28, 2020

While some countries are starting to relax their stay at home orders, people living in others – including la France, l’Angleterre, and many parts of les États-Unis (including where I live) – are still trying to find ways to pass the time while confinés chez eux. Virtual tours are great for the mind, but what…

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French Culture – Explore Posted by on Apr 7, 2020

Malheureusement (Sadly) the world is still at home. If you are one of the many people still looking at the world from inside the safety of your own home, I hope this week’s blog will being you a little divertissement (diversion) and un peu d’espoir (a little hope). On reste à la maison … If you are staying at…

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French Culture – Quarantine Distractions Posted by on Mar 31, 2020

Well, not much has changed since last week. Les français sont tous encore confinés chez eux (The French are still confined to their homes) and around the world more and more of us are joining them as nous luttons ensemble pour empêcher la propagation du Covid-19 (we battle together to prevent the spread of Covid-19). …

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French Language – Hope Posted by on Mar 17, 2020

This week’s song may be a few years old, but with the current evolving health situation in the world right now and the accompanying sense of angoisse (anxiety) gripping many nations, it seemed like a perfect time for a healthy dose of l’espoir. Hope While the song – signé (from, lit. signed) Gaëtan Roussel, the…

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French Culture – Les Barbapapas Posted by on Mar 10, 2020

When I was a kid, I used to watch a lot of television. Even with a much smaller number of channels to choose from, I enjoyed discovering new and interesting programs. One that I enjoyed had a very French beginning, though I didn’t know it at the time. Les Barbapapas Perhaps I already had une âme…

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French Culture – Architectural Oddities Posted by on Mar 3, 2020

The news from France doesn’t stop (apparently some people think that Emmanuel Macron is more than just a bad president) and I do want to touch on the spread of Covid-19 in France, but in times like these, we can all use a little bit of divertissement (distraction). L’architecture … hmmm … de Paris? Everyone…

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French Language – Demonstrative Pronouns bis Posted by on Feb 25, 2020

A few weeks ago we reviewed demonstrative pronouns in French. As we discussed, les pronoms démonstratifs generally agree in gender and number with the nouns they replace … with one exception that we’ll look at this week. Le cas exceptionnel de ce Ce (or c’ when it comes before a vowel) is a demonstrative pronoun…

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