6 German Language Christmas Songs Posted by Constanze on Dec 13, 2017 in Holidays, Language, Music
Guten Tag! It’s 13. Dezember and almost time to say Frohe Weihnachten. To get into the spirit, today I wanted to share some German Weihnachtslieder (Christmas songs) with you. Not only is it fun for language learners to learn songs in other languages, but songs are actually a brilliant way to improve language proficiency; because there is a tune associated with the words, songs can help us to recall these words quicker, and imitating what we hear can help improve pronunciation. So let’s get started with 6 German Language Christmas Songs!
*Please note I have translated the lyrics literally, then put the English lyrics (if different) in brackets afterwards.*

6 German Christmas Songs. Photo: ‘Weihnachtsbaum’ by Peter Samow on flickr.com under a CC license (CC BY 2.0)
O Tannenbaum
O Christmas Tree
I want to include this one as it’s a very famous Christmas song, but as there is already a post about it, please click here to read all about it (and listen to the song)!
Stille Nacht
Silent Night
Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht
Silent Night, Holy Night
Alles schläft; einsam wacht
All are sleeping, the only one who wakes (‘All is calm, all is bright’)
Nur das traute hoch heilige Paar.
Is the holy couple (‘Round yon virgin mother and child’)
Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar,
The handsome boy with curly hair (‘Holy infant so tender and mild’)
Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh!
Sleep in heavenly peace!
Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, klingt`s von nah und fern.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, you can hear far and wide (‘Jingle all the way’)
Komm, wir spann` die Rösser an, die Schellen soll man hör`n.
Come let’s get the horses, the bells must be heard (‘O what fun it is to ride on a one-horse open sleigh’)
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, klingt`s zur Weihnachtszeit.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, it sounds like Christmas time (‘Jingle all the way’)
Glocken schallen durch das Land, Weihnacht ist nicht mehr weit.
Bells ring out across the land, Christmas is not far away (‘O what fun it is to ride on a one-horse open sleigh’)
Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
Little snowflake, little white skirt
Here is perhaps a lesser-known Christmas song about wishing and hoping for snow!
Schneeflöckchen Weißröckchen,
Little snowflake, little white skirt
Wann kommst du geschneit?
When will you come snowing down?
Du wohnst in den Wolken,
You live in the clouds
Dein Weg ist so weit.
Your journey is so long
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
Let us be happy and cheerful
This Christmas song is specifically for St. Nikolaus Tag, which is celebrated in Germany on December 6th. Learn all about St. Niokolaus Tag here.
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
und uns in dem Herrn erfreu’n.
Lustig, lustig, tra-le-ra-le-ra,
bald ist Nikolausabend da,
bald ist Nikolausabend da.
Let us be happy and cheerful
And rejoice in the Lord
Fun, fun, tra-le-ra-le-ra
St. Nicholas Eve will soon be here
St. Nicholas Eve will soon be here
All I Want For Christmas Is You
Sei einfach an Weihnachten da (‘Just be here on Christmas day’)
To finish, here is how the Christmas pop song All I Want For Christmas Is You (Mariah Carey) sounds in German. Unfortunately Gold im Mund haven’t provided Songtexte (lyrics), but I hope you can enjoy the sound of this hugely famous song in the German language. 🙂
I hope you’ve enjoyed this post. What is your favourite Weihnachtslied, either from this list or otherwise? If it’s not on here, why not try searching for a German language version of that song and learning a verse or two from it? Viel Spaß (have fun)! 🙂
Constanze x

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John M:
What about “O, Tannenbaum” ?
Love it!
@John M It’s the first one I mentioned 😉 I linked to a post I wrote about it, rather than writing about it again in this one. Frohe Weihnachten!
love it love it love all your posts B
@BARBARA OBERDING Thanks, Barbara!!!
just a quick correction: Nikolaus is December 6th, not 5th.
I prefer the upbeat Christmas songs in English for the Advent, the time before Christmas. For Christmas Eve itself we always listen to the traditional German songs, most of which are a lot more sombre than “Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen” (which is more of a children’s song). Very pretty songs are “Maria durch ein Dornwald ging”, “Am Weihnachtsbaume die Lichter brennen”, “Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen”, “Süßer die Glocken nie klingen”, “Zu Bethlehem geboren” and “Was soll das bedeuten”. More upbeat ist “Fröhliche Weihnacht überall” and the children’s songs like “Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling” (that could be hard to pronounce for a non-native speaker) or “In der Weihnachtsbäckerei”. Well, I could go on and on because I just love Christmas songs 🙂
Seasons Greetings from Germany,
@eva Thank you for your comment, Eva! Seasons Greetings 🙂
Jim W.:
Very informative. I remember, though, celebrating St. Nikolaus Tag on 6 Dez (not 5 Dez) and my German calendar shows it on the 6th as well.
@Jim W. Oops! Thanks for spotting that! I’ve updated the post. 🙂