German Language Blog

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Munich’s Rental Problem Posted by on Apr 30, 2019

As some of you may have heard, it is hard work trying to find somewhere to live in Munich. Munich is a very popular city and because of this the Mietpreise (rental prices) keep on increasing. The average price at the moment to rent is about 17€ per square meter in Munich. Berlin, the capital…

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What is Schleichwerbung in Germany? Posted by on Mar 22, 2019

Social Media has boomed the past few years, and with platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and blogs a lot of people have managed to create their dream career. In Germany they have tightened the laws on Schleichwerbung. What is Schleichwerbung? Schleichwerbung translates to sneaky advert. Schleichen = to sneak and Werbung = advert. A lot…

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Save the Bees in Bavaria! Posted by on Feb 12, 2019

In the last few weeks there has been a whirlwind of advertising through banners, flyers and social media posts about saving the bees. Unless you have been living under a rock the past few years, then you will know it is common knowledge that our bees are dying out in the whole world. Why are…

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Two of the Longest Words in German Posted by on Jan 22, 2019

As an English speaker we are used to short, simple words, which means it can be quite intimidating when reading German words that are three times as long as what they are in English! Here’s a post with two of the longest German words, what they mean, and some tips on helping you decipher those…

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The origin of Stollen Posted by on Dec 25, 2018

Stollen is a traditional German Christmas cake that is still very popular to this day. In this post I will explain what exactly it is and how it came about. The first ever Stollen dates back to 1545. Nowadays, Stollen is made out of flour, butter, yeast, raisins, almonds, marzipan and spices like cinnamon and…

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What is Glühwein and where did it come from? Posted by on Dec 18, 2018

Every December the Christmas markets go up in Germany and people come together to drink Glühwein. But what exactly is it and how did it come to Germany? Glühwein literally translates to “glow wine”. In English we know it as mulled wine. Although the drink is very popular in Germany, it’s origin does not come…

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How to apply for a German Citizenship Posted by on Nov 27, 2018

I am a british citizen living in Germany and as we all know, Brexit is looming around the corner. Because of this I have been researching this topic on how to get to a German citizenship and passport. Luckily for me it isn’t too hard as my mother is German, but I thought I would…

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