German Vocabulary for Spring Posted by Larissa on May 2, 2017 in Language
Spring has sprung! Last week it snowed in Munich, but this week the weather is warmer and sunnier. I love Frühling (Spring): the trees start to blossom, the birds start to chirp and the sun rises earlier in the morning! Here’s a simple vocabulary post to get you in the mood for the season.
der Frühling Spring
die Saison the season
die Bäume the trees
die Natur the nature
die Sonne the sun
das Wetter the weather
der Regen the rain
die Jacke the jacket
eine leichte Jacke a light jacket
der Grill the barbeque
die Blumen the flowers
die Tulpen the tulips
die Narzissen the daffodils
der Spargel the asparagus (in Germany Spring is asparagus season!)
die Vögel the birds
das Vogelnest the bird nest
die Zeitumstellung literal translation: the time change – daylight saving time
der Garten the garden
die Pflanzen the plants
die Stimmung the mood
das Fahrrad the bicycle
die Blüte(n) the blossom (singular and plural)
der Spaziergang the walk
der Pollen the pollen
der Heuschnupfen the hayfever (a downside to Spring!)
der Frühjahrsputz Spring clean
der Rasen the lawn
den Rasen mähen to mow the lawn
die Wanderung the hike
Ostern Easter
die Ostereier the Easter eggs
die Feiertage the public holidays
In Munich there is also Frühlingsfest (Spring festival) which is similar to Oktoberfest (also held at Theresienwiese – the same place where Oktoberfest is) but a lot smaller.
Which season do you like the most? In my next post I’ll be writing about the much loved Spargelsaison (asparagus season) and how the Germans usually eat it!
Thanks for reading,
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Judy H.:
And let’s not forget, “Veronika, der Lenz ist da. . . ” esp the Max Raabe version.
Alexis K:
Fall is my favorite season, not sure why..
And asparagus wrapped in bacon is tobdie for!