Tag Archives: german
How to Make a Phone Call in German Posted by Larissa on Oct 26, 2021
Having a phone call in another language can be daunting. I remember when I first moved to Germany I avoided speaking on the phone in German, however in some situations you can’t avoid it. Here are some scenarios to help you prepare for your phone call. There is also another great post that you can…
German Idioms 31: The Sun Makes Us Feel Good Posted by Sten on Jul 30, 2021
Die Sonne (the sun). When we think of her warm rays and light, it puts a smile on our faces. The sun helps us be healthy, lets us grow our food, makes beach days fun! The sun is an all-around positive! And that’s also reflected in Redensarten (idioms). So let’s look at two German idioms that talk about…
Spring Gardening in German Posted by Larissa on Feb 23, 2021
Spring has sprung and with Germany announcing the re-opening of garden centers soon (we are still in lockdown due to Covid19), I thought it would be the perfect time to write a post on gardening! I personally don’t have a garden but enjoy planting herbs, vegetables and flowers indoors. Here is a post for all…
Three Easy German Grammar Rules to Remember Posted by Larissa on Sep 3, 2019
German grammar can sometimes be really confusing – which article to use, how does the article change in the accusative case, when to use a capital letter, and so on. Although I personally find it easier to speak casually when I’m not actively thinking about grammar, it is always good to have a refresher on some…
Dwight Schrute’s Terrific German – Part 5: Singing in German Posted by Sten on Jun 6, 2019
You may remember Dwight Schrute, the quirky top paper salesman from NBC’s “The Office” (by the way, there is a German spin-off, called Stromberg). While the sitcom celebrated its finale back in May 2013, it is still one of the most watched shows today. And Mr Schrute is one of the audience’s favorite characters. Not…
Dwight Schrute’s Terrific German – Part 4: Dwight’s Christmas Party Posted by Sten on May 30, 2019
You may remember Dwight Schrute, the quirky top paper salesman from NBC’s “The Office” (by the way, there is a German spin-off, called Stromberg). While the sitcom celebrated its finale back in May 2013, it is still one of the most watched shows today. And Mr Schrute is one of the audience’s favorite characters. Not…
Dwight Schrute’s Terrific German – Part 3: German Traditions Posted by Sten on May 23, 2019
You may remember Dwight Schrute, the quirky top paper salesman from NBC’s “The Office” (by the way, there is a German spin-off, called Stromberg). While the sitcom celebrated its finale back in May 2013, it is still one of the most watched shows today. And Mr Schrute is one of the audience’s favorite characters. Not…