Spring Gardening in German Posted by Larissa on Feb 23, 2021 in Language
Spring has sprung and with Germany announcing the re-opening of garden centers soon (we are still in lockdown due to Covid19), I thought it would be the perfect time to write a post on gardening! I personally don’t have a garden but enjoy planting herbs, vegetables and flowers indoors. Here is a post for all of you budding gardeners out there!
The basics
die Blume(n) the flower(s)
die Pflanze(n) the plant(s)
das Gewächs the plant (another word for it)
der (die) Samen the seed(s)
die Keimung the germination
das (die) Blatt (Blätter) the leaf/leaves
die Erde the soil
der Dünger the fertilizer
das (die) Gartenwerkzeug(e) the gardening tool(s)
der Pflanzentopf the plant pot
die Gießkanne the watering can
das Gewächshaus the green house
das Sonnenlicht the sunlight
schattig shady
die Kräuter the herbs
die Gartenarbeit gardening
eintopfen to plant in a pot
umtopfen to repot
gießen to water
bewässern to water (another word for it)
Top Flowers to Plant in Spring
die Narzissen the daffodils
die Tulpen the tulips (personally my favorite to brighten up my home)
die Schneeglöckchen the snowdrops
die Hyazinthen the hyacinths
Top Herbs to Plant in Spring
der Koriander (the) cilantro
der Dill (the) dill
der Schnittlauch (the) chive
das Basilikum (the) basil- although this is a summer plant, if you first plant it indoors in spring it will be ready to be planted outside late spring.
Top Vegetables to Plant in Spring
der Spargel the asparagus – asparagus season in Germany is very big and we have white and green asparagus. White asparagus is more commonly eaten here than green.
der Spinat the spinach- very easy to grow if you are a beginner!
die Tomaten the tomatoes – plant these indoors and when there is no more frost at night you can plant them outside.
der Brokkoli the broccoli
der Knoblauch the garlic- this is often grown to help repel insects.
das Radieschen the radish
Signs Your Plant Needs Help
verwelken to wilt
gelbe Blätter yellow leaves
braune Flecken brown spots
der Schimmel the mould
I currently have peppermint, tomato, spinach and sweet peas growing on my windowsill. I also recently bought some Dünger and what a difference it makes! Let me know in the comments if you like gardening (whether that’s indoors or out) and what you are growing at the moment.
Thanks for reading,

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Doris Fraser:
I would love to hear about indoor herb and vegetable gardening, since I too do not have a garden,
@Doris Fraser Hello Doris,
Thank you for your comment, stay tuned for my next post 🙂
Liked gardening information
@Rod Thank you Rod!!