Tag Archives: body
German Vocab For Menstruation & Contraception Posted by Constanze on Aug 25, 2021

Guten Tag! This post is going to give you some German vocabulary for the following subjects: menstruation; contraception; and trying for a baby. I hope this will be useful for anyone in Germany who needs the vocabulary to communicate with a doctor, pharmacist, shop assistant, partner/family member, or to navigate words in shops, online, or…
Germany’s ‘Free Body Culture’ Posted by Constanze on Oct 9, 2019

Guten Tag! Today the topic is die Nacktheit (nudity) in German culture, which is otherwise known as die Freikörperkultur or FKK – ‘free body culture’. Germany has a fairly relaxed attitude towards nudity and therefore you will see people go nude on beaches and in parks and saunas. There are saunas, for instance, where as…
Body Parts In German – Advanced Posted by Constanze on Jun 27, 2018

Guten Tag! In my last post I took it back to basics and taught you what all of the different body parts are called in German. This is a topic that is always useful, especially if you go to the doctor in Germany, for example. As there are so many different body parts and names…
The German Mullet and Other Hairstyles Posted by Constanze on Apr 18, 2016
In my quest to bring you the best German words out there I recently found a great one related to Haare – hair. Someone once said to me that the best kind of business to have is either a coffee shop or a hairdresser’s, because no matter how times change, people will always want coffee…
Untranslatable German Words: Nagelmond Posted by Constanze on Sep 10, 2015
Guten Tag! Welcome to another edition of German untranslatable words, dedicated to teaching you quirky German words, their meanings, and how to use them! Today the word is der Nagelmond. What does Nagelmond literally translate to? The German compound noun Nagelmond is made up of the words der Nagel (nail) + der Mond (moon). It…