German Language Blog

Tag Archives: bread

7 German Home Traditions Posted by on Feb 17, 2021

german home traditions

Guten Tag! Last time on the blog, we looked at some of the features of a German home. Today, continuing on the theme of ‘Wir bleiben zuhause’ (‘We’re staying at home’), we’ll look at some German home traditions. German Home Traditions: Housewarming A tradition surrounding die Hauseinweihung (housewarming) in Germany is to give bread and…

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Breakfast The Bavarian Way Posted by on Nov 8, 2017

Guten Tag! The topic of today is Frühstück (breakfast), but with a twist. I’d like to share some information about the traditional Bavarian breakfast with you. A traditional Bavarian breakfast consists of the following: Die Weißwurst Literally ‘white sausage’, this is a sausage made from minced veal and pork bacon, seasoned with parsley, ginger, onions…

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Untranslatable German Words: Versemmeln Posted by on Oct 19, 2016

Guten Tag! It’s time for another ‘untranslatable German word’ – one of those words that, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t find an equally quirky, unusual or downright funny translation for in English! The untranslatable words I’ve shared with you here have mostly been nouns, but this time I’m giving you a…

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German Bread Posted by on May 6, 2011

Since I am German, there is one thing in the world I love ever so, and that is bread. I cannot imagine a life without bread because you can easily prepare a belegtes Brot (sandwich) for every meal of the day. You can have bread for breakfast and dinner, as well as a breaktime snack…

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