Tag Archives: clothes
German Idioms Using Clothes (Part 2) Posted by Constanze on Feb 12, 2020

Guten Tag! Carrying on from last week’s post about German idioms using clothes, here are five more phrases you can add to your collection. I hope you enjoy learning them! German Idioms Using Clothes (Part 2) Jemanden etwas in die Schuhe schieben Literally ‘to push something into someone’s shoes’, this idiom means to place the…
German Idioms Using Clothes (Part 1) Posted by Constanze on Feb 5, 2020

Guten Tag! Today we’re looking at some more German idioms. This time, the subject is clothing. German has many idioms that use items of clothing to express a certain meaning. Here you can learn five of them. Let’s go! German Idioms Using Clothes (Part 1) Wo drückt der Schuh? Literally ‘Where does the shoe press…
The German Phrase ‘Es Passt’ Posted by Constanze on Feb 26, 2019

Guten Tag! In my last post I talked about the phrase ‘Es steht dir (gut)’, the German way of saying ‘It (really) suits you’. A question people often have when they learn this phrase is: What is the difference between saying ‘Es steht dir’ (it suits you) and a similar phrase, ‘Es passt dir’ (it…
German: It Suits You! Posted by Constanze on Feb 13, 2019

Guten Tag! How do you tell someone in German that something ‘suits them’? Read on to find out! So you’re out shopping with a German friend and they want your opinion on the t-shirt they’ve just tried on. It looks really good. What do you tell them? You could say “Es sieht gut aus!” (“It…
Getting Dressed In German: 5 Verbs Posted by Constanze on May 4, 2016
Guten Tag!! I hope you’re all well and enjoying some sunshine, wherever you are! Today I want to bring you part 2 of my clothes-themed posts (the first is here). I wanted to write about a couple of words & phrases surrounding clothing because, although a straight-forward subject, there are a few bits & pieces…
4 German Words For ‘Clothes’ Posted by Constanze on Apr 29, 2016
Guten Tag! Today I want to start talking about some of the vocabulary surrounding clothes. Though we have all probably learnt the names for trousers (die Hose), jacket (die Jacke) and shoes (die Schuhe) in German class at school, I am aware that there are a few words and expressions in this category that can…
All About The Lederhosen and Dirndl Posted by Constanze on Sep 25, 2015
As Oktoberfest is in full swing in München, many of you will be seeing (or wearing!) the traditional garments known as Lederhosen or Dirndl. In this post, I’m going to tell you a little about where they originate, why they were worn (and how they are worn today), and give you a few other facts…