German Language Blog

Tag Archives: German Elections

How Are Jamaica and German Traffic Lights Related? Posted by on Oct 28, 2021

After German elections, you might hear more and more about Kenia (Kenya), Jamaika (Jamaica) or die Ampel (traffic light). But how are these countries and a traffic light related to each other? It’s all in the political Koalitionen (coalitions). The Kenia-Koalition The Kenyan flag consists of three main colors: schwarz (black), rot (red) and grün (green). That would be a Koalition of the CDU/CSU in their black colors…

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Germany Elected A New Parliament: What Happens Now? Posted by on Oct 25, 2021

Germany elected a new parliament! That’s all nice and well, but what happens next? How do we go from here to a new German Bundeskanzler (m, Federal Chancellor)? Here’s how the process works! The new German Parliament after the September elections The German federal elections were held at the end of September, and they were quite a…

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