Tag Archives: german women
German Vocab For Menstruation & Contraception Posted by Constanze on Aug 25, 2021

Guten Tag! This post is going to give you some German vocabulary for the following subjects: menstruation; contraception; and trying for a baby. I hope this will be useful for anyone in Germany who needs the vocabulary to communicate with a doctor, pharmacist, shop assistant, partner/family member, or to navigate words in shops, online, or…
International Women’s Day And Germany Posted by Constanze on Mar 3, 2021

Guten Tag! As Monday 8th March is Internationale Frauentag (International Women’s Day) – and March is Monat der Frauengeschichte (Women’s History Month) -, I thought it’d be interesting to look at how International Women’s Day came about in Germany, whilst teaching you some vocabulary related to the subject. What’s pretty cool is that it was…
100 Years Of Women’s Suffrage In Germany Posted by Constanze on Jan 30, 2019

Guten Tag! There has been uproar in German politics recently because a German mayor was not invited to a charity event – simply because she is a woman. This comes shortly after Germany celebrated 100 years of women having the vote. Karoline Linnert is the finance senator and substitute mayor for the city of Bremen…
All About The Lederhosen and Dirndl Posted by Constanze on Sep 25, 2015
As Oktoberfest is in full swing in München, many of you will be seeing (or wearing!) the traditional garments known as Lederhosen or Dirndl. In this post, I’m going to tell you a little about where they originate, why they were worn (and how they are worn today), and give you a few other facts…
Fräulein Veronika Dankeschön Posted by Constanze on Apr 10, 2015
One of my first posts on this blog was about the Trümmerfrauen, the post-war German women who cleaned up their war-torn country while their men were away or missing. The way these women stepped out of their stereotypical roles as housewives and mothers to do what was seen as men’s work is still talked about…
Die Trümmerfrauen: The Rubble Women Posted by Constanze on Jun 17, 2014
There is this stereotype that German women are big, strong, and super-efficient. My husband sometimes teases me when I do some heavy lifting, saying things like: “Yeah, you’re a real German woman!”, or when he talks about my work ethic: “Well, of course you’re hard working – you’re German!” I have to admit, I never…