Tag Archives: hitler
The German Word ‘Volk’ Posted by Constanze on Jun 9, 2021

Guten Tag! We have talked before on the blog about words with loaded meanings/stigma attached to them – such as this post, German words associated with Nazism. Today we’re going to look at another such word in more detail. It’s a very small, simple word, but sometimes even these words have a surprising amount of…
75 Years Ago: The Nuremberg Trials Posted by Sten on Nov 23, 2020

Last Friday was the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Nürnberger Prozesse (Nuremberg trials). It was a series of Strafprozesse (criminal trials) to bring Nazis to justice. The Prozesse are seen as the beginning of the Völkerstrafrecht (International Criminal Law) and were an important marker how justice can be served to people that have such severe crimes…
German History: The White Rose Movement Posted by Constanze on Oct 28, 2020

Guten Tag! It’s been a while since I’ve done a travel/history post, so that’s what today’s post will be about! Today we’re going to München, Germany to learn about Sophie Scholl and Weiße Rose (White Rose), a political movement from 1942. Weiße Rose was started by a group of students at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Ludwig Maximilian University…
German Wiedergutmachung (Reparations) Posted by Constanze on Aug 21, 2019

Guten Tag! Today we’re looking at the word die Wiedergutmachung. In 1953, the German government agreed to pay reparations to Holocaust survivors following World War II. This included anyone who was directly victimised by the Nazis in any way (it did not, however, include relatives/descendants of those people, for example). That is what the word…
Nazi Symbols In Thailand Posted by Constanze on Mar 20, 2019

Guten Tag! You may know that in Germany it is illegal to publicly display a Nazi symbol, be it on clothing or otherwise. Doing so can land you three years in jail (it is not illegal, however, if it is for the purposes of art). It is also illegal to do the Nazi salute, say…
German Words Associated With Nazism Posted by Constanze on Mar 1, 2016
Guten Tag! Have you ever said a word or phrase in all innocence, only to receive shocked gasps from those around you, and be told ‘You can’t say that!’? Or be laughed at because the word you’ve used doesn’t mean what you think it does? Language is ever-changing, and words’ meanings can change over time…
German Nationalparks – Part 2: Berchtesgaden Posted by Sten on Feb 12, 2016
This is part 2 of the new series here on the German Blog, the German Nationalparks, a series on the 16 National Parks of Germany. Last week, I discussed the beautiful Schwarzwald, one of the most recently established Nationalparks. This week, we travel a bit further south to Nationalpark Berchtesgaden. Der Nationalpark Berchtesgaden Berchtesgaden is the southernmost Nationalpark of Germany, and most of…