Tag Archives: idiomatic
German Idioms Using Clothes (Part 2) Posted by Constanze on Feb 12, 2020

Guten Tag! Carrying on from last week’s post about German idioms using clothes, here are five more phrases you can add to your collection. I hope you enjoy learning them! German Idioms Using Clothes (Part 2) Jemanden etwas in die Schuhe schieben Literally ‘to push something into someone’s shoes’, this idiom means to place the…
German Idioms Using Clothes (Part 1) Posted by Constanze on Feb 5, 2020

Guten Tag! Today we’re looking at some more German idioms. This time, the subject is clothing. German has many idioms that use items of clothing to express a certain meaning. Here you can learn five of them. Let’s go! German Idioms Using Clothes (Part 1) Wo drückt der Schuh? Literally ‘Where does the shoe press…