German Language Blog

Tag Archives: learn German

Urban German Graffiti Posted by on Jun 10, 2015

I’ve been quite interested in graffiti as of late. I like the way words are used in it, and I like the political, cultural meanings these words take on in their public settings. But I also just like the power of language that is contained in these scribbles. I thought that showing you some German…

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Useful Vocabulary for Everyday Life in Germany Posted by on Jan 19, 2015

Ein gutes neues Jahr! This post is for the German students of Lindin High School from the USA and their teacher Herr Pac. When I was learning German at school we learnt a lot about German Politik (politics), Geschichte (history) and the Umwelt (environment).  Although we could speak a lot about those particular subjects they…

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Treasury of words – An easy exercise Posted by on Mar 27, 2013

I know, I know…learning vocabulary isn´t always fun and sometimes it surely costs some effort to do so. That´s why I don´t want to annoy you. But with this little exercise, you can check your status  pretty good. Even if you don´t know all the words! In my opinion this one is relatively easy, so…

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Groß- und Kleinschreibung – Upper and lower case Posted by on Sep 28, 2012

Dear German learners, recently I came across some sentences that made me smile and let me think of German language…and as well I had to think about you people who are learning the language as foreigners. I guess sometimes upper and lower case might drive you crazy while learning. I can totally understand… But look…

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Solution for the conjugation exercise Posted by on Oct 30, 2010

So here are the correct conjugations for the given verbs in my last article. Compare and see if you were right:

Conjugation – an exercise Posted by on Oct 28, 2010

Today I want to practice a little conjugation with you. As you can imagine, there are a lots of different time forms concerning conjugation. For example future, past, subjunctive, past perfect etc… Even for me as a native speaker, it gets to a complicated level very fast.

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