Tag Archives: phrases
The German Phrase ‘Passt Schon’ Posted by Constanze on Feb 27, 2019

German is full of tiny phrases that have a huge range of meanings. In this post, we will look in more depth at the phrase ‘Passt schon’. This literally translates to ‘Fits already’, ‘Fits yet’ or ‘Does fit’. But what this little phrase actually means is ‘it’s OK’, ‘no worries’, ‘it’s all good’, ‘never mind’…
The German Phrase ‘Es Passt’ Posted by Constanze on Feb 26, 2019

Guten Tag! In my last post I talked about the phrase ‘Es steht dir (gut)’, the German way of saying ‘It (really) suits you’. A question people often have when they learn this phrase is: What is the difference between saying ‘Es steht dir’ (it suits you) and a similar phrase, ‘Es passt dir’ (it…
German: It Suits You! Posted by Constanze on Feb 13, 2019

Guten Tag! How do you tell someone in German that something ‘suits them’? Read on to find out! So you’re out shopping with a German friend and they want your opinion on the t-shirt they’ve just tried on. It looks really good. What do you tell them? You could say “Es sieht gut aus!” (“It…
German Similes To Make You Smile Posted by Constanze on Jun 13, 2018

Guten Tag! After what feels like a lot of grammar and vocabulary posts from me, it’s time for something a little more light-hearted. Today I’d like to bring you a quirky German phrase. The phrase is: grinsen wie ein Honigkuchenpferd. Grinsen wie ein Honigkuchenpferd This phrase translates to ‘To smile like a honey cake horse’…
How To Rate Something In German Posted by Constanze on Apr 25, 2018

Guten Tag! Today I’m going to give you some words and phrases to use if you want to rate or review something in German. This may come in useful if you’re purchasing a product in Germany and want to leave a review, or if you’re buying from a German-speaking website or place and want to…
German Car-Related Words Posted by Constanze on Apr 18, 2018

Guten Tag! Germany is world-famous for its cars, so it’s no wonder that there are several, quirky German words and phrases related to vehicles and driving in general. Today I’d like to introduce you to a few of these words and phrases! The first word is das Elefantenrennen. This literally translates to ‘elephant running’ and…
Bavarian-German Postcard Phrases Posted by Constanze on Apr 16, 2018

Servus! That’s the informal, Bavarian way of saying hello or goodbye. And it’s relevant because today I’m bringing you a few more Bavarian phrases! If you’re anything like me, you collect postcards from all of the places you’ve visited. Whenever you visit a touristic region with a distinct dialect, you’re likely to find postcards in…