Tag Archives: public holidays
How Switzerland Started – The Bundesfeiertag Posted by Sten on Aug 1, 2019

It’s August 1! Not only the start of another summery month, but also an important day: The Bundesfeiertag. The Swiss celebrate the birth of their beautiful country. So let’s have a look at what the Swiss do today and how this day started. A Controversial Date The Bundesfeiertag was celebrated for the first time in 1891 on…
Witches In Germany’s Harz Mountains Posted by Constanze on Oct 29, 2018

Guten Tag! Recently I gave you the creepy story of Walpurga Hausmannin, one of Germany’s most famous witches from the 16th Century. In today’s post we’ll continue on the witch theme by talking about a place in Germany that is famous for its association with witchcraft. To get to this place you need to visit…
Father’s Day In Germany Posted by Constanze on May 24, 2017

Hallo! Tomorrow, Thursday May 25th, is Father’s Day in Germany. In the UK (and perhaps in your country, too), Father’s Day is generally a family-centred event, where children bring their fathers cards and gifts, or maybe let them have the day off by doing their chores for them. Fathers tend to stay home and relax…