Tag Archives: refugees
German Unwort Des Jahres 2021 Posted by Constanze on Jan 26, 2022

At the end of every year, the GfdS (German Language Association) picks a word for its Wort des Jahres (Word of the Year). This is a word/topic that’s been highly discussed and prevalent in German society in the year just gone. You can read about the German Wort des Jahres 2021 here. But another ‘word of the year’ also gets picked…
Germany’s Unwort des Jahres – ‘Non-Word’ of the Year 2020 Posted by Constanze on Jan 13, 2021

Linguists from the Technische Universität Darmstadt have decided on Germany’s Unwort des Jahres (the ‘non-word of the year’) 2020. This year, and for the first year since the Unwort des Jahres started in 1991, there are two of them: Corona-Diktatur and Rückführungspatenschaften. Germany’s Unwort des Jahres – ‘Non-word’ of the year. At the end of…
Refugees Welcome? Germany Reacts (Pt3) Posted by Constanze on Feb 9, 2016
As I write this, it’s exactly 4 months since my last post on the refugee crisis in Germany. Last time I wrote about it, it seemed Germans, with the exclusion of some far-right groups, were largely supportive of the influx of refugees that had arrived in their country. However, since the sexual assaults and muggings…
German Words From The News Posted by Constanze on Dec 7, 2015
Whilst browsing the other Transparent Language blogs as I do from time to time, I came across a fantastic post on the Greek blog entitled ‘Greek vocabulary from the news’. There are a few, interconnected topics that are dominating the headlines worldwide at the moment, namely der Terrorismus (terrorism), der Syrien Konflikt (the Syria conflict)…
Mushroom Picking In Germany Posted by Constanze on Oct 18, 2015
One of my fondest childhood memories involves going mushroom picking in the Bavarian Forest. My Oma (grandma) used to lead the way, teaching my brother, sister and I which mushrooms were safe to eat, and which ones to avoid like the plague. Once we’d collected as many mushrooms as we could, we would take them…
Refugees Welcome? Germany Reacts (Pt2) Posted by Constanze on Oct 5, 2015
Guten Tag! 🙂 In July I posted this article with a collection of interesting news stories relating to the refugee situation in Germany. As this situation has developed significantly over the past few months and is making headline news around the world, I decided to do another post on it with the most recent news…
The Turkish Guest Workers of ’60s Germany Posted by Constanze on Sep 20, 2015
The Turkish make up the largest ethnic minority group in Germany. But why is that, exactly? Der Gastarbeiter (pl: Die Gastarbeiter) It all began during the Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle) of the 1960s and 1970s, when Germany and Austria experienced rapid industrial growth and reconstruction of their economies following WW2. However, being severely low on labour…