German Language Blog

Tag Archives: yes and no

Ways To Say “I Don’t Mind” In German Posted by on Apr 28, 2021

i don't mind

Guten Tag! Whilst it’s fairly easy to express yourself with yes and no in German, do you know how to say “I don’t mind”? How do you respond if someone presents a couple of options to you, and you don’t mind either way which one is chosen? Alternatively, how do you let someone know –…

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How To Say Yes And No In German Posted by on Apr 22, 2016

There are a million ways to say yes and no in German. Whether you’re accepting a party invite or sending a door-to-door salesman on his way, here are some German phrases that’ll set you up and give your ‘yesses and nos’ a lot more power! Ways to say nein – no Das interessiert mich nicht…

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