German Language Blog

The 7 Best Communities to Meet Germans Posted by on May 14, 2020 in Culture, Language

We’re in a time where perhaps more than ever you crave Sozialkontakt (social contact). And while online Communitys (communities) aren’t the same as actually meeting people in person, it can provide at least some relief this nagging feeling of loneliness. And while you’re at it, why not find Communitys that help you learn German? Here’s a few online Communitys that you can join to interact with Germans and German learners like yourself, to exchange experiences, learn together, but also get a shot at proving yourself!

Transparent Language Facebook Community

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Of course, there is our own Transparent Language Facebook Community for German! With new posts and news items every day and many active users, as well as language learning offers, there is a lot you can find here. Board

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For a long time, was one of the largest and most popular German Foren (forums). However, it was shut down due to issues with the Betreiber (operator). Many of the people behind worked on, which is an active Board with topics on everything you can think of!

However, is in the process of being revived. Whether it will have its own Forum again is not clear, however.

Goethe-Institut Community

The Goethe Institut has a language community where you can exchange yourself with other language learners from all over the world. While this is not the same as interacting with native Germans, it certainly helps! To view it, you have to log in, however.

German Subreddits

r/de_IAmA, the German-speaking version of r/IAmA, where people present themselves and are open for any questions you may have. (Screenshot by author)

Reddit has turned into one of the largest and wide-ranging Foren out there. And while the German-speaking Community on Reddit is not that big, it does exist. And there are plenty interesting German subreddits with thousands of User (users)!

For example, there is r/de, where German culture, memes and other things you usually find on internet forums are discussed and posted.

Or take r/de_IAmA, a German-speaking version of r/IAmA, where people present say who they are and open themselves up to an Ask me Anything (AMA). Find out what kind of things Germans are doing and are interested in knowing about each other, and engage yourself, as well!

Do you want to see more for yourself? Here is a list of 100 deutschsprachigen (German-speaking) subreddits. – das Medienforum

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Do you like to talk and discuss (German) media with Germans? Then could be a great place!

This active Forum discusses all kinds of media, from German afternoon TV to YouTube to Filme (movies) and Promis (celebrities – short for Prominente).

Have a question?

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Do you have a question about anything, and you want to ask in German? Then look no further than gutefrage.netGute Frage means “good question”, and you’re bound to find them, or ask them yourself! Dictionary and Forum

Screenshot by author is a German-English (and many more combinations) dictionary with a forum attached. This forum is specific to language-related questions, but being focused is its strength. More than once, I’ve found myself on this forum figuring out a specific item for a post on this blog, only being amazed by the miniscule detail some User go into to prove their point. If you’re a beginner or an expert in German, any question will find a proper answer here!

Do you know about other Foren to add to this list? Or do you use any of these? Please share your experiences and suggestions in the comments below! And now, go out there and talk to some Germans!

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About the Author: Sten

Hi! I am Sten, both Dutch and German. For many years, I've written for the German and the Dutch blogs with a passion for everything related to language and culture. It's fascinating to reflect on my own culture, and in the process allow our readers to learn more about it! Besides blogging, I am a German-Dutch-English translator, animator and filmmaker.