The Environment: German Vocab & Reading Posted by Constanze on Apr 29, 2019 in Culture, Language
Guten Tag! Today we’re going to talk about die Umwelt (the environment). Each year on April 22nd, the world celebrates der Tag der Erde (Earth Day). This is a day where events are held and awareness is raised about protecting unser Planet (our planet) and the environment. This post will provide you with plenty of vocabulary on the environment, and related posts from this blog about Germany and the environment.
Earth Day – der Tag der Erde
Earth – die Erde
environment – die Umwelt
environmentally-friendly – umweltfreundlich
pollution – die Umweltverschmutzung (sometimes shortened to die Verschmutzung)
climate change – der Klimawandel
global warming – die globale Erwärmung
greenhouse effect – der Treibhauseffekt
renewable energy – die erneuerbare Energie
solar panel – der Sonnenkollektor (‘sun collector’!)
recycling – das Recycling / die Wiederverwertung
to recycle – recyceln / wieder verwerten
to reduce – reduzieren
to reuse – wieder verwenden
waste – der Abfall / der Müll
to waste – verschwenden
zero waste – null-Abfall / null-Müll
extreme weather – das extremes Wetter (also called ‘das Unwetter’)
eco-system – das Ökosystem
deforestation – die Abholzung
over-fishing – die Überfischung
agriculture – die Landwirtschaft
meat consumption – der Fleischkonsum
plastic – das Plastik / der Kunststoff
straw – der Strohhalm
plastic bag – die Plastiktüte
paper bag – die Papiertüte
sea – das Meer
ocean – der Ozean
lake – der See
forest – der Wald
volcano – der Vulkan
iceberg — der Eisberg
fresh air – die frische Luft
Here is a selection of posts on this blog that talk about environmental topics in Germany:
Rettet die Bienen!
This post discusses attempts in Germany to save the bees.
The first section of this post talks about the banning of diesel cars in Germany.
Der Blaue Engel
This post talks about a German stamp that signifies a product is environmentally friendly.
This post talks about how waste gets separated in Germany.
Bottle deposits (Pfand)
The second part of this post talks about the bottle deposit (Pfand) system in Germany.
This post talks about the 2018 German ‘Word Of The Year’, which references the extremely hot weather Germany had that year.
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Gerhild West:
This information about the earth is just great for my advanced group. Thank you very much
Newton Peart:
I loved in Berlin many years ago am now living in Jamaica very difficult to find German speakers,these blogs help keep up to date.
Mit freundlichen grüssen