13 ways to express cause in Greek Posted by Ourania on Sep 15, 2017 in Grammar, Vocabulary
Γεια σας! There are many ways to express cause. In this post, there are thirteen ways to express cause, using conjunctions, prepositions and participles. The examples are translated literally. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions.
#1. γιατί: because
Ο Γιάννης πήγε στο γιατρό, γιατί δεν αισθανόταν καλά.
Giannis went to the doctor because he was not feeling well.
#2. επειδή: because
Άλλαξε το εισιτήριό της, επειδή προέκυψε κάτι και έπρεπε να γυρίσει νωρίτερα.
She changed her ticket because something occurred and she had to come back earlier.
#3. διότι: because
Απογοητεύτηκαν, διότι δεν περίμεναν τέτοια συμπεριφορά από σας.
They were disappointed because they were not expecting this behavior from you.
#4. καθώς since
Μετακόμισε σε μικρότερο διαμέρισμα, καθώς έμεινε χωρίς δουλειά.
She moved into a smaller apartment, since she lost her job.
#5. αφού: since
Να αγοράσεις άλλο πορτοφόλι, αφού έχασες το παλιό.
Buy a new wallet, since you lost the old one.
#6. εφόσον: since
Σταμάτα να τον βλέπεις, εφόσον δεν τον συμπαθείς.
Stop seeing him, since you don’t like him.
#7. μια και / που: since
Μια που / Μια και θα πας στο περίπτερο, πάρε μου ένα παγωτό.
Since you go to the kiosk, buy me an ice cream.
#8. χάρη σε: thanks to
Τα κατάφερε πολύ καλά, χάρη στο ταλέντο της.
She did very well, thanks to her talent.
#9. εξαιτίας: because of
Δεν είχε φίλους εξαιτίας του κακού του χαρακτήρα.
He had no friends because of his bad character.
#10. από: out of
Σε ρωτάω τι έγινε από ενδιαφέρον, όχι από περιέργεια
I am asking you what happened out of interest, not curiosity.
#11. με: with
Χάρηκαν όλοι με τα καλά νέα.
They were all happy with the good news (because the news were good).
#12. για: for
Αποφάσισαν να μην χωρίσουν για τα παιδιά τους.
They decided not to break up for (because of) their children.
#13. μετοχή: participle
Γνωρίζοντας τα προβλήματα της αδερφής του, δεν της είπε τίποτα για τα δικά του.
Knowing his sister’s problems, he did not tell her anything about his own problems. (He did not tell his sister about his problems, because he knew she had her own).

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As always, so interesting!
@Hélène Thank you, Helene!