Archive for July, 2019
Ten Common Greek verbs in the Imperative Mood Posted by Ourania on Jul 31, 2019

Γεια σας! In this post we will see the Imperative mood of ten passive verbs which are commonly used by native speakers. The tenses given are Ενεστώτας (Present), Αόριστος (Past Simple) and Προστακτική (Imperative). #1. Ενεστώτας:έρχομαι (to come) Αόριστος:ήρθα Προστακτική:έλα / ελάτε Example:Παιδιά, ελάτε μέσα, βρέχει! / Children, come in, it’s raining!…
Cotton candy or old woman’s hair? Greek idioms Posted by Ourania on Jul 14, 2019

The word μαλλί takes different meanings depending on the context. It can mean hair, wool and yarn. There are many idioms and proverbs used in colloquial Greek. Πόσο πάει το μαλλί; (How much does it cost?) «Βρήκα δωμάτια στο καινούργιο ξενοδοχείο.» «Πόσο πάει το μαλλί;» (“I found rooms at the new hotel.” “How much do…
7 things you didn’t know about the Greek election Posted by Ourania on Jul 3, 2019

Γεια σας! Sunday, the 7th of July is the date of the general election (βουλευτικές εκλογές). In this post, we will explore some historic facts related to the public election in Greece. The Constitution of 1864 (Το Σύνταγμα του 1864) acknowledged civil rights (πολιτικά δικαιώματα) to women. Τhe Greek women participated at the general election…