Archive for July, 2020
Greek phrases to use in a hotel Posted by Ourania on Jul 28, 2020

Γεια σας! August is coming and some of you are probably going to visit Greece despite the difficult situation. In this post, there are some common phrases you might use with the owner or the employees at a holiday resort. You can listen to the phrases here:
Greek vocabulary: duration Posted by Ourania on Jul 23, 2020

Γεια σας! In this post we will look into some words and phrases we use when talking about duration. Διάρκεια (η): duration. Examples: Η διάρκεια της ταινίας είναι 90 λεπτά. / The duration of the movie is 90 minutes. Οι φίλοι της τής χάρισαν μια δωροεπιταγή για ένα μασάζ διάρκειας μιας ώρας. /…
Greek verbs and pronouns: common phrases Posted by Ourania on Jul 14, 2020

Γεια σας! To day we will take a look at some common phrases composed by a personal pronoun, used as direct object and a verb. The verb is not conjugated. It is put in the 3rd person, singular or plural, and it takes a subject in the nominative case. Below, there is the conjugation of…
Word families in Greek: Part One Posted by Ourania on Jul 7, 2020

Γειά σας! Today’s topic deals with word families in the Greek language. Word families are important and extremely useful because they provide us with an easy and fun way to expand our vocabulary and enhance our understanding of the structure of the Greek language. What is more, they can help us immensely in mastering and…