Archive for November, 2020
Listening Comprehension in Greek for beginners (part 1) Posted by Ourania on Nov 23, 2020
Γεια σας! Σήμερα θα κάνουμε ασκήσεις ακουστικής κατανόησης. Today we will do listening comprehension exercises. They are suitable for beginners (A1 level). Listen to the following phrases. Where could we use or hear them? Choose a or b. Only one answer is correct. Click on Σωστή απάντηση to see the right answer and the phrase…
Compound adjectives in Greek Posted by Ourania on Nov 18, 2020
Γεια σας! In this post we will explore compound adjectives. These adjectives give an expressive aspect to the meaning they describe, they are widely used and they cannot be found in grammar books. αγουροξυπνημένος (άγουρος: unripe + ξυπνάω: to wake up): who just woke up, half-awake Όπως ήταν αγουροξυπνημένος, έβαλε να φτιάξει καφέ και του…
Greece on lockdown: vocabulary from the news Posted by Ourania on Nov 6, 2020
Γεια σας! Greece will be put on lockdown tomorrow. In this post there is a list of words found in almost every newspaper article and newscast. Each word or phrase is followed by an example of its use in a sentence. In some cases the translation of the examples is literal. διάγγελμα (το)= formal speech…