Archive for August, 2021
Greek vocabulary about money Posted by Ourania on Aug 31, 2021

In this post there is a group of words related to money. In Greek, we use different words to describe the money paid to an insurance company, to a freelancer or to buy a ticket for public transport. If you like slang and colloquialisms, check this post about Slang words for stingy or penniless in…
Listening Comprehension in Greek: The Apartment Posted by Ourania on Aug 23, 2021

Sometimes students cannot find material suitable for listening comprehension. In this post, there is a listening comprehension exercise for intermediate students. First, read the statements (1-15) and look for the words you don’t know in the dictionary, if you need to. Listen to the audio file at least twice and state whether the sentences are…
Greek verbs related to sound Posted by Ourania on Aug 18, 2021

Γεια σας. It’s time for a vocabulary extension post so this post is about Greek verbs related to sound. These verbs are not taught to beginners but native speakers use them in daily conversations. The translation of the examples is literal and in some cases the English phrases might seem strange. If you like sounds…