by Sky Noir (under a CC license on Flickr)
A few months ago I posted a list of common irregular verbs in the Past Simple tense (Αόριστος, aoristos). The same verbs have an irregular form in the Simple Future tense (Στιγμιαίος Μέλλοντας, (stigmiaios melontas):
Present |
Transliteration |
Definition |
Future Simple |
Transliteration |
είμαι |
ime |
to be |
θα είμαι |
tha eimai |
έχω |
eho |
to have |
θα έχω |
tha eho |
λέω |
leo |
to say, to tell |
θα πω |
tha po |
βλέπω |
vlepo |
to see |
θα δω |
tha do |
δίνω |
dino |
to give |
θα δώσω |
tha doso |
πηγαίνω |
pigeno |
to go |
θα πάω |
tha pao |
τρώω |
troo |
to eat |
θα φάω |
tha fao |
πίνω |
pino |
to drink |
θα πιώ |
tha pio |
ακούω |
akouo |
to listen, to hear |
θα ακούσω |
tha akouso |
παίρνω |
perno |
to take, to get |
θα πάρω |
tha paro |
φεύγω |
fevgo |
to leave, to go |
θα φύγω |
tha figo |
καταλαβαίνω |
katalaveno |
to understand |
θα καταλάβω |
tha katalavo |
βγαίνω |
vgeno |
to go out, to get out |
βγω |
tha vgo |
Below there are some examples in order to put these verbs in context.The sentences are translated literally.
Παραδείγματα (paradeigmata, examples)
«Πάμε σινεμά αύριο;» «Δεν μπορώ. Δεν θα είμαι εδώ.» (Pame sinema avrio? Den boro. Then tha ime edo.)
“Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow?” “I can’t. I won’t be here.”
Ο γιατρός θα έχει χρόνο το απόγευμα. (O giatros tha ehei hrono to apogevma.) The doctor will have time in the afternoon.
Θα πεις στους γονείς σου για το πάρτι; (Tha peis stous goneis sou gia to party?)
Will you tell your parents about the party?
«Τι θα κάνεις απόψε;» « Θα δω τον αγώνα.» (Ti tha kaneis apopse? Tha do ton agona.)
“What will you do tonight?” “I’ll watch the match.”
Το καλοκαίρι θα πάμε στην Ελλάδα. (To kalokairi tha pame stin Ellada.)
“In the summer we’ll go to Greece.”
Τι θα φάτε το βράδυ; (Ti tha fate to vrady?)
“What will you eat in the evening (for dinner)?”
Θα πιείτε κάτι; (Tha pieite kati?)
“Will you drink something?
«Θα δεις τηλεόραση τώρα;» « Όχι. Θα ακούσω μουσική.» (Tha deis tileorasi tora? Ohi. Tha akousi mousiki.)
“Will you watch tv now?” “No. I’ll listen to music.”
Θα πάρεις τηλέφωνο το Νίκο; Έχει πάρει τρεις φορές! (Tha pareis tilefono to Niko? Ehei parei treis fores.)
Will you call Niko? He’s called you three times!
Τι ώρα θα φύγετε αύριο; (Ti ora tha figete avrio?)
“What time will you leave tomorrow?
Αν μου εξηγήσουν, θα καταλάβω. (An mou exigisoun tha katalavo.)
If they explain to me I’ll understand.
Θα βγούμε απόψε; (Tha vgoume apopse?)
Will we go out tonight?

by massonth (under a CC license on Flickr)
There is an error in the table. Transliteration in the 5th does not correspond to the forms in 4th column.