Archive for 'History'
Quiz: The story of yusurum Posted by Ourania on Dec 7, 2021
One of the most famous Athens landmarks is Μοναστηράκι (Monastiraki). This area is known for the flea market and for street fair which takes place every Sunday at πλατεία Αβησσυνίας. The street fair is also known as γιουσουρούμ (yusurum). Γιουσουρούμ was a Jewish merchant who lived in Athens in the 19th century. In this post…
Ohi Day: 28 October 1940 Posted by Ourania on Oct 28, 2021
Γεια σας! Σήμερα οι Έλληνες γιορτάζουμε την 28η Οκτωβρίου, την ημέρα που η Ελλάδα είπε το “όχι” στους Ιταλούς. Τοday, we celebrate the day Greece refused to surrender to Italy (on the 28th of October, 1940). After the rejection, Greece was brought into the 2nd World War (Δεύτερος Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος) In this post, there is…