Greek Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Justice vocabulary in Greek Posted by on Oct 31, 2016

In Greek mythology Themis (Θέμις) represented the goddess of justice and was respected by gods and humans. Her symbols were the blindfold, the balance and the sword.   The Greek trial courts are civil (αστικά) or criminal (ποινικά). There are also administrative courts (διοικητικά δικαστήρια) and courts that have specific powers, such as military courts…

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Common Greek names Posted by on Sep 15, 2016

Γεια σας! If you have Greek friends, Greek names might not sound strange to you. Greek names can be of ancient Greek, Hebrew origin, Roman or Byzantine origin. Below there is a list of some common names with their shortcuts. If you think that there names which must have been included in this list, feel free…

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About Athens Posted by on Jun 15, 2016

This post is about Athens, the capital of Greece and my hometown. As, I am not the right person to write about its history, I will just give my own reasons for disliking and liking this place. If you have visited Athens and want to share your experience, feel free to leave a comment. Four…

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The ritual of the Holy Light Posted by on Apr 27, 2016

Easter is the most important religious holiday in Greece. The Greek culture is rich in traditions and rituals followed during the Holy Week. This post is about the ritual of the Άγιο Φως (Holy Light or Holy Fire) which takes place on Saturday night before Easter Sunday. This ritual, which is considered as a miracle…

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To talk, to discuss: Greek vocabulary Posted by on Mar 23, 2016

Most people believe that the Greeks are extroverted and talkative. Even though this is not always the case, it is true that most of us enjoy spending a lot of time talking with friends. In this post you may find some basic vocabulary related to speaking. Enjoy! απαντάω= to answer, to reply Τη ρώτησα αν…

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Music vocabulary in Greek Posted by on Feb 29, 2016

At the moment, Greece is sliding into one of the most serious humanitarian crisis, in its modern history. For some of us who are incurable dreamers, the only antidote is art. In ancient Greek mythology, the god Apollo (Απόλλων) was the leader of the Nine Muses (Εννέα Μούσες) who were nymphs associated to arts: Ερατώ (Erato)…

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A visit to a Greek kiosk (periptero) Posted by on Jun 10, 2015

If you have been to Greece you have probably noticed the kiosks (περίπτερα) which are found in every city. The first kiosks appeared at the end of the 19th century, as a form of financial assistance to the war-wounded. At first, the only products found in a kiosk were tobacco and newspapers. In the 50’s…

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