News from Greece: #METOO Posted by Ourania on Feb 3, 2021 in News, Vocabulary
Undoubtedly, the hottest topic of the month is the appearance of the #MeToo movement (κίνημα) in Greece.
It all started when Σοφία Μπεκατώρου (Sophia Bekatorou) an Olympic Sailing champion declared that she was sexually assaulted by an executive of the Hellenic Sailing Federation in Palma de Mallorca in 1998.
A few hours after this declaration, many athletes, feeling strong and courageous, broke their silence and reported being raped. Soon, the can of warms, or as we say in Greek ο ασκός του Αιόλου (the wind bag of Aeolus, the keeper of the winds) opened and many actors, mostly women but also men, reported publicly that they have been victims of physical or verbal assault and bullying by theater managers and directors.
Although Greece is a modern country, the society remains sexist and regressive. It is time to understand that certain behaviors cannot remain unpunished anymore. A great number of artists declare their support to the victims via the hashtag #eimasteoloimazi (we are altogether) on Instagram. A new era begins.
If you read or watch the news, you are very likely to see or hear the following words and expressions:
έσπασαν τη σιωπή τους: they broke their silence
σεξουαλική κακοποίηση (η): sexual assault
σεξουαλική παρενόχληση (η): sexual harassment
λεκτική βία / λεκτική κακοποίηση (η): verbal assault
βία (η): violence
βιασμός (ο): rape
συναίνεση (η): consent
καταγγέλω: to report
θύμα (το): victim
θύτης (ο): offender
γκρίζα ζώνη (η) / γκρίζες ζώνες (οι): grey zone(s)
μου επιτέθηκε: he/she assaulted me
κατηγορείται για: is accused of
όλα βγήκαν στη φόρα: everything came out
είδαν το φως της δημοσιότητας: they came out (lit. saw the light of of publicity)
αντιεπαγγελματική συμπεριφορά (η): unprofessional behavior
έμφυλη βία (η): gender-based violence
στοχοποιώ: to victimize

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Bruce Robertson:
Thank you for your interesting and informative blog. It is of great use to those who are working hard to learn Greek.
@Bruce Robertson I am glad you find this blog useful 🙂
Michael Giammarella:
I am interested in learning if my family name: Giammarella has Greek roots considering that I came across an almost similar name: Giammarelou which happens to be the last name of a well-know Greek epidemiologist. Looking forward to receiving comments from fellow genealogists.
@Michael Giammarella Thank you for your interest! Yes, it seems that your name has Greek roots, however this blog is not the right place to learn more about it.
A very topical and useful list! Just to let you know–the expression in English for
ανοίγω τον ασκό του Αιόλου is “to open a can of worms” and κατηγορείται για in English is “is accused of.”
@Carolyn Thank you! I have corrected the phrase “is accused of”.
About the can of warms, I am quoting:”Soon, the can of warms, or as we say in Greek ο ασκός του Αιόλου (the wind bag of Aeolus, the keeper of the winds) opened…” I used the article “the” which is the equivalent of “ο”. I hope the readers understand what I mean 🙂