Basic English phrases translated in Greek Posted by Ourania on Jun 30, 2019
Γεια σας! When speaking or writing in a foreign language, one of the biggest challenges is to avoid the direct translation of common expressions. In this post, there is a list of common English phrases translated in Greek. Until next time. The direct translation μέχρι την επόμενη φορά makes no sense in Greek. It’s better…
False friends in Greek and English Posted by Ourania on Jun 15, 2019
Do Greeks drink metallic water, wear costumes and ride machines? Read this post on false friends in Greek and English to find out! #1. agony: in Greek αγωνία means suspense or anxiety. Example: Ο Γιάννης έχει αγωνία για τα αποτελέσματα των εξετάσεων. / Yannis is anxious about the results of the exams. #2…
Greek Idioms: verb to see Posted by Ourania on May 31, 2019
Γεια σας! One of the most common verbs is βλέπω (to see). In this post we will see the different meanings and uses of this verb. #1. to see Βλέπεις εκείνο το σπίτι; / Do you see that house? #2. to watch Βλέπω τηλεόραση. / I am watching television. #3. to look at Μου…
Time to vote: election vocabulary in Greek Posted by Ourania on May 24, 2019
On the 26th of May the Greek citizens will vote for European Parliament Members and for local government officials. The voting age is 17. There are 23 political parties and coalitions participating in the European Parliament election. In this post, there is basic vocabulary related to the elections. #1. ψηφίζω: to vote Example: Αποφασίσατε…
News from Greece about the Parthenon Posted by Ourania on May 10, 2019
A traveler cannot leave Athens without visiting its landmark, the Parthenon. In this post there is a brief presentation of the news about the Parthenon, information on a famous mythic battle depicted on parts of the Parthenon and a list of words related to monuments. The Greek Archaeological Council decided to restore the inner-chamber…
Greek phrases about the environment Posted by Ourania on Apr 22, 2019
Γεια σας! Σήμερα γιορτάζουμε την Ημέρα της Γης. Today we celebrate the Earth Day. In this post, there is vocabulary and phrases related to the environment. περιβάλλον (το): environment φιλικός-η-ο προς το περιβάλλον: environmental friendly κάνω ανακύκλωση: to recycle ανακυκλώσιμος-η-ο: recyclable σπατάλη (η): waste υπερθέρμανση του πλανήτη (η): global warming φαινόμενο του θερμοκηπίου (το)…
Greek Impersonal Verbs Posted by Ourania on Apr 15, 2019
Γεια σας! In this post we will see the use some commons impersonal verbs. They are used in the third singular person and do not have a noun or pronoun as subject. Ρήματα (verbs) #1. χρειάζεται : need to do Δε χρειάζεται να έρθεις και εσύ μαζί μας αύριο. / There is…