Archive for May, 2012
Poem in Hindi – Rise this much Posted by Nitin Kumar on May 19, 2012
Today, I was reading some Hindi poems and stumbed upon an interesting poem from द्वारिका प्रसाद महेश्वरी (Dwarika Prasad Maheshwari), a famous Hindi poet. Immediately, I thought of sharing this poem with you all by preparing a post. The poem is in Hindi and I have translated (literal) it in English. Hope you will enjoy…
Short Story in Hindi – Heron and Crab Posted by Nitin Kumar on May 18, 2012
How about a practice in reading comprehension in Hindi? Today, I will present an interesting short story in Hindi which is taken from a collection of animal fables. The vocabulary is given at the bottom. There you will find the words in Hindi, romanized Hindi and English translation. The motto of story is, that one…
Social Evils in India Posted by Nitin Kumar on May 16, 2012
In all societies around the world, there exist some or other social evils. These evils may exist in the form of inequality of gender or discrimination based on race, color, region, religion, nationality, child abuse, sexual orientation etc. Being a incredibly diverse country, India, is home to many cultures, religions, ethnicity, regions, colors etc. And…
Hindi Word Puzzle Posted by Nitin Kumar on May 15, 2012

We have learned a lot in Hindi,right? How about some interesting puzzles to test your Hindi learning. I have made a word puzzle in Hindi. You can take a printout of the puzzle and try in your free time. The given words are in romanized Hindi.Don’t worry, the word clues are also provided for you…
Compound in Hindi – II Posted by Nitin Kumar on May 12, 2012
Compound (समास – Samaas) in Hindi comes into existence when two or more than two mutual words are joined in Hindi. Today, I will cover the compound in Hindi where the second term or clause is important. These compound are called तत्पुरुष समास (Tatpurush Samaas). This compound is further divided into six types as follow…
Common Mistakes in Hindi Usage Posted by Nitin Kumar on May 10, 2012
It is quite usual for an beginner in the learning process of any language to make mistake here and there. However, the mistakes could be avoided if a learner knows the pitfalls. Today, I will cover some of the common mistakes that a beginner could make and detail about it so you can avoid it…
Roots and word formation Posted by Nitin Kumar on May 9, 2012
Roots are important in Hindi. Most of the words could be guessed if you know the roots. Today, I will show you some of the important roots and words made from them. The formed words are given in following pattern with their romanized spellings and respective meanings. 1. अति (Ati) means अधिक (Adhik – Extra)…