Archive for July, 2012
Nominal Suffix in Hindi – Continued Posted by Nitin Kumar on Jul 28, 2012
In continuation of our previous post, I will present the two more types of nominal suffix in Hindi. Like previous post, we will go into various suffix which come under two types of nominal suffix. Examples are with Devanagari (Hindi script), Romanized Hindi and English translation for your understanding. New readers and members can find the previous…
Nominal Suffix in Hindi Posted by Nitin Kumar on Jul 28, 2012
In the previous post on Suffix, we have coverd the primary suffix in Hindi. In this post, I would like to discuss the nominal suffix in Hindi. These are called तध्दित प्रत्यय (Tadhdit Pratyay) in Hindi. These suffix can be added to the nouns, adjectives or adverbs to form nouns or adjectives. The nominal suffix can…
Practice on Hindi Proverbs Posted by Nitin Kumar on Jul 27, 2012
Proverbs, in any language, are the interesting ways to describe the commonly accepted facts which have been understood with experience. In Hindi, a proverb is called कहावत (Kahaavat). As the proverbs usually came out of understanding, way of thinking and experience of people, they can reflects the experience and cultural roots of a language’s speakers…
Confusing Words in Hindi Posted by Nitin Kumar on Jul 24, 2012
Do you find some words such as “accept” and “except” confusing because their pronunciation are strikingly similar? If yes, then similar confusing words also exist in Hindi. The pronunciation may be very similar and can confuse you. Only if you know notice the difference between the two, you can predict the right word as per…
Primary Suffix in Hindi Posted by Nitin Kumar on Jul 23, 2012
Suffix (प्रत्यय – Pratyaya) are very important elements of Hindi grammar. Many Hindi words can be created using suitable suffix. The majority of Hindi words are created by the combination of a nouns or word derived from verbs and suffix. For example, the word “खिलौना” (Khilona – Toy) is a combination of noun “खेल” (Khel – Play/Game/Match) and…
Prominent God and Goddess in Hindu Mythology Posted by Nitin Kumar on Jul 22, 2012

Hinduism has concept of trinity but because of numerous manifestation and incarnations (अवतार – Avatar) of supreme cosmic energy, there are many Gods and Goddesses in Hinduism. In India, as the majority of population is its follower, it is a way of life. It is interesting to note that the goddesses and animals are well…
Parsing in Hindi Posted by Nitin Kumar on Jul 21, 2012
Parsing (पद परिचय – Pad Parichay) is an important part of any linguistic study. It helps us to understand, how the different elements of a sentence are structured in a grammatical sense . In Hindi, the various elements of a sentence are well organized and can provide detailed information about grammatical elements such as संज्ञा (Sangya – Noun)…