Hindi Language Blog

Archive for February, 2022

What is in a South Indian Thali? Posted by on Feb 28, 2022

We continue our series श्रेणी on the types of Indian Thali. As we know, the thali is a dish but also a plate. Thalis vary depending on the region क्षेत्र. There are vegetarian thalis and there are non-vegetarian thalis. Vegetarian and vegan thalis reign supreme सर्वोच्च in India, because a large portion of the population…

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The Gujarati Thali Posted by on Feb 26, 2022

The Hindi word ‘Thali’ refers to a plate. However, it can also be used interchangeably दूसरे के स्थान परto mean dish, just like in English, the word dish can mean a corning ware dish or a food item खाद्य सामग्री, like a pie. The thali is a staple मुख्य उपज dish in many states on…

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Lata’s Sister – Asha Posted by on Feb 22, 2022

Bollywood lost two luminaries this past month. Lata Mangeshkar and Bappi Da. The nation went into mourning while tributes poured in. Asha Bhosle – another luminary paid a tribute to her sister बहन and long time rival प्रतिद्वंद्वी in the music industry. She reminisced on their closeness निकटता through childhood, the school years and parallel…

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The Ubiquitous Thali Posted by on Feb 21, 2022

A Thali

My daughter बेटीnasked me which type of Indian cuisine भोजन was my favorite पसंदीदा. I had to think about it for a second. I am a foodie खाने का शौकीन and being Indian, it is hard to choose चुनें as each state राज्य has its own favorite dish. I asked if I could list at…

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Bappi Da – Bollywood Disco Pioneer Posted by on Feb 18, 2022

Back in the eighties if you were to walk down the street उस रास्ते पर चलो in Mumbai, you would hear disco music wafting out of the windows. Now, mind you, India’s windows are always open except in inclement weather खराब मौसम.  This was a time that John Travolta and the Bee Gees were still…

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Lata, India’s Nightingale Posted by on Feb 8, 2022

Lata Mangeshkar

A quick search खोज with the words, Lata Mangeshkar displays results mostly of her musicसंगीत. But her fan base is so huge and dedicated that there are even journals called, “Don’t Disturb Me When I am Listening to Lata Mangeshkar”. This week India lost their beloved nightingale. Lata Mangeshkar was the recipient प्राप्तकर्ता of the…

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