Prefixes Posted by Nitya on Oct 30, 2017 in Hindi Language
Prefixes! Those glorious little words that can change the meaning of a word in an instant. English has a rich trove of prefixes that are sourced from languages including Greek and Latin. Hindi is no different, and boasts its own store of prefixes, many of which are borrowed from languages like Urdu. To provide an exhaustive list here would be an exhausting exercise. We will, however, review and familiarize ourselves with some commonly used prefixes. In Hindi, prefixes are known as उपसर्ग (upasarg).
बेक़ाबू (uncontrolled) बेहद (without limits) बेहोश (unconscious) बेअक्ल (senseless/lacking sense) बेबुनियाद (without basis) बेझिझक (without hesitation) बेरोज़गार (unemployed) |
beyqaboo beyhad beyhosh beyakal beybuniyaad beyjhijhak beyrozgaar |
बे + क़ाबू (control) बे + हद (limits) बे + होश (consciousness) बे + अक्ल (sense) बे + बुनियाद (basis/foundation) बे + झिझक (hesitation) बे + रोज़गार (employment/work) |
अपवाद (bad comments/slander) अपघात (bad incident/accident) अपशगुन (bad omen) अपमान (disrespect/insult) |
अप + वाद (comments/speech) अप + घात (incident) अप + शगुन (omen/sign) अप + मान (respect) |
बदसूरत (ugly/bad appearance) बदहज़मी (indigestion/bad digestion) बदनसीबी (unfortunate/ill fate) बदबू (stench/bad smell) बदकिस्मती (bad/ill fate) |
बद + सूरत (appearance/face) बद + हज़मी (digestion) बद + नसीबी (fate) बद + बू (smell) बद + किस्मती (fate/luck) |
सुसंगत (good company) सुविख्यात (good/well known) सुविचार (good thoughts) |
susangat suvikhyaat suvichar |
सु + संगत (company) सु + विख्यात (known) सु + विचार (good thoughts) |
मनोविज्ञान (mind/mental science/psychology) मनोबल (mental strength) मनोकामना (mind’s wish) मनोरोग (mental disease) |
manovigyaan manobal manokaamna manorog |
मनो+ विज्ञान (science) मनो + बल (strength) मनो + कामना (wish/desire) मनो +रोग (disease) |

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Thanks for this. This is really helpful. I learn best from understanding the mechanics and knowing things like prefixes is really helpful since you don’t have to learn 100 words, just 50 words and one prefix.
@Todd Glad you find it useful! That’s the idea–to learn a few words and understand a lot more.