Subordinate Conjunctions in Hindi Posted by Nitin Kumar on Dec 27, 2014 in Hindi Language
In Hindi, Conjunction is called समुच्चयबोधक (Samucchybodhak) which comes from two word, समुच्चय which mean combination and बोधक which means indicator. These are the words that shows the combination of given type in the given sentence.
In Hindi, Conjunctions are of 2 types. These are समानाधिकरण समुच्चयबोधक (Samaanaadhikaran Samucchybodhak – Coordinate Conjunction) and व्यधिकरण समुच्चयबोधक (Vyadhikaran Samucchybodhak – Subordinate Conjunction).
In this post, let me show you Subordinate Conjunction in Hindi. These are the conjunctions which are used to join the similar clauses. Subordinate conjunctions are of 4 types.
1. कारणबोधक (Karanbodhak – Cause Indicator)
These conjunctive word which is used to connect one clause with another clause which give the cause of the action. These are क्यूंकि (kyunki – because). Other similar conjunctions are इसलिए (isliye – because), चूँकि (chunki – since) and ताकि (taaki – so that).
a. मैं परीक्षा नहीं दे सका क्यूंकि मैं बीमार था।
I couldn’t give my examination because I was ill.
2. संकेतबोधक (Sanketbodhak – Explanation Indicator)
These conjunctive word which is used to connect one clause with another clause which give the explanation of the action. These are यधपि (yadhapi – even though), यदि (taaki – in case) , परन्तु (parantu – but) and तथापि (tadhaapi – however).
a. यधपि यहाँ वर्षा हुई परन्तु गर्मी न मिट सकी।
Even though it rained but it didn’t cool the hot weather.
3. स्वरूपबोधक (Svaroopbodhak – Perspective Indicator)
These conjunctive word which is used to connect one clause with another clause which give the perspective of the action. These are अर्थात (arthaat– that is), मानो (maano– as if), यानी (yaani – that is) and यहाँ तक (yahan tak – even).
a. बादल इतने है मानो अभी वर्षा होगी।
It is so cloudy as if it will rain now.
4. उद्देश्यबोधक (Uddheshyabodhak – Purpose Indicator)
These conjunctive word which is used to connect one clause with another clause which give the purpose of the action. These are ताकि (taaki – so that), जिससे (jisse – from which), and कि (ki – that).
a. मैं दिन-रात परिश्रम करता था ताकि मैं परीक्षा में प्रथम आ संकू।
I used to work hard so that I can come top in the examination.
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