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Tag Archives: conjunctions in hindi

Subordinate Conjunctions in Hindi Posted by on Dec 27, 2014

In Hindi, Conjunction is called समुच्चयबोधक (Samucchybodhak) which comes from two word, समुच्चय which mean combination and बोधक which means indicator. These are the words that shows the combination of given type in the given sentence. In Hindi, Conjunctions are of 2 types. These are समानाधिकरण समुच्चयबोधक (Samaanaadhikaran Samucchybodhak – Coordinate Conjunction) and व्यधिकरण समुच्चयबोधक (Vyadhikaran…

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Coordinate Conjunctions in Hindi Posted by on Dec 25, 2014

In Hindi, Conjunction is called समुच्चयबोधक (Samucchybodhak) which comes from two words, समुच्चय which means combination and बोधक which means indicator. Conjunctions are the words which combine two clauses in a given sentence. In Hindi, Conjunctions are of 2 types. These are समानाधिकरण समुच्चयबोधक (Samaanaadhikaran Samucchybodhak – Coordinate Conjunction) and व्यधिकरण समुच्चयबोधक (Vyadhikaran Samucchybodhak – Subordinate…

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Conjunctions Posted by on Nov 17, 2011

Today, let me show you the conjunction in Hindi. Let us see, what they mean, how they are classified and how to use them in the sentences through some examples. In Hindi, Conjunction is called “समुच्चयबोधक” (Samucchy Bodak) which comes from two word, “समुच्चय” which mean combination and “बोधक” which means indicator. These are the…

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