Tag Archives: India
How to spend Christmas in Mumbai Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Dec 14, 2021

Christmas in Mumbai was and will still remain a magical experience जादुई अनुभव for this writer. The weather in Mumbai is a nice 75 degrees Farenheit and not humid, (I know that does not sound like Christmas to most Americans). Actually this is one of the best times to go to India. Ex patriates प्रवासियों…
Christmas in India Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Dec 7, 2021

People tend to forget that the Christian Apostle Thomas went to India to spread the Christian message संदेश. The Indians killed him for his efforts. But, his message remained स्थिर रहा and is still thriving today. Christianity spread throughout India and there are stories of many devout धार्मिक Christians martyred for their faith, even today…
Mandarin, French, Spanish or Sanskrit? Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Oct 7, 2021

Ask any student छात्र in Delhi, what language they want to learn and they will answer, Chinese, French or Spanish. So, why don’t school kids choose चुनें the ‘mother‘ of all languages so to speak? From the gypsies of the Thar desert to the African immigrants आप्रवासी of the Deccan Plateau, many languages in India…
Father Stan, Dalits and Caste Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Jul 8, 2021

This week India lost a freedom fighter स्वतंत्रता सेनानी Father Stan Swamy fought for the rights of the Dalits दलितों. He was jailed at 83 years old with frail health. His spirit survives even though his body gave up. Who are the Dalits? Who are the Dalits that Father Stan Swamy fought so passionately for?…
India’s Siddi Community Posted by Rachael on Jan 19, 2019

India is home to a vast array of ethnicities and cultural and religious groups (सांस्कृतिक और धार्मिक समूह), but among the least well known is the Siddi community (सिदी या शीदि समुदाय), who are of African descent (अफ़्रीकी मूल के) and live throughout India and Pakistan. In this blog, we’ll discuss a recent news article about this group…
The Many Names of India Posted by Rachael on Nov 8, 2018

Most, if not all, countries (देश/desh, masc.) in the world have multiple names (विभिन्न नाम/vibhinn naam, masc.) depending on which language (भाषा/bhaashaa, fem. or ज़बान/zabaan, fem.) you are using: for example, Deutschland vs. Germany, España vs. Spain and Éireann vs. Ireland, etc. Similarly, the story of India’s many coexisting names is fascinating and complex in…
Stay on the Alert for Crimes Posted by Nitya on Oct 8, 2018

I’ve recently been watching a धारावाहिक (dhaaravahik/television series) in Hindi, which is telecast जिसका प्रसारण होता है (jiska prasaraN hota hai) on one of India’s प्रचलित (prachali/popular) television networks, Sony Entertainment. This कार्यक्रम (kaaryakram/program), called Crime Patrol, is a cinematic recreation of how India’s police force has solved (mostly) भीषण (bheeshaN/gruesome) crimes. Some of the प्रकरण (prakaraN/episodes) are presented…