Archive for 'Uncategorized'
3 aurora viewing tips. Posted by hulda on Sep 29, 2016
Northern lights can be said to be a stable feature here in Iceland. Every year from late autumn to midwinter is the usual top season, but they’ve been seen as early as August at best and as late as March. The only time of the year they’re not really seen is the part of spring…
Icelandic habit. Posted by hulda on Aug 18, 2016
Yesterday morning I heard a raven croak somewhere nearby, possibly on the neighbour’s roof. Today, for a while, it was sunny on one side of the house and rained on the other. August has definitely arrived and you know what it means – time to go back to school! …at least for those that…
Gotta catch them all! Posted by hulda on Jul 21, 2016
“I caught it! I caught it!” screamed a boy of maybe 10 year old outside my workplace today. I quickly stuck my head out of the door to congratulate him because his joy was just too sincere to ignore. We had a quick chat about his catch and then he went on his way to…
What’s Iceland without ice? Posted by hulda on Mar 17, 2016
Iceland, the name alone says something about the country. By now everyone’s probably seen that one meme that compares Iceland to Greenland making fun of the misleading names, but at least one has always been able to point out that at all times you can and will find ice in Iceland, just go visit a…
Prepare for ash. Posted by hulda on Jan 7, 2016
Don’t panic now but Iceland is loading up a new volcanic eruption at Bárðarbunga, the same site where the most recent volcanic eruption also had its start. This time, if the eruption site is the same as the earthquake site it would be sub-glacial, so there’d be plenty of ash. What kind of ash remains to…
Hurricane Diddú Posted by hulda on Dec 10, 2015
Earlier this week Iceland experienced hurricane Diddú. It was the worst storm since the one in 1991 and much, much stronger than a typical winter snow storm that I wrote about last week. You know the situation is dire when the Almannavarnadeild, Civil Protection -web page issues a warning for the whole country! On late…
5 reasons: visit Iceland in winter Posted by hulda on Nov 26, 2015
What, visit Iceland in the winter? But everyone knows it’s really cold! Even this blog’s writer always recommends summer as the best season to visit, why is she changing her mind now? To be honest I’m not entirely changing my mind about what’s the best season for visiting. Iceland in the summer offers easiest road…