Today is a much-needed day off for people in Indonesia and in many other countries all across the world. Labor Day (Hari Buruh) falls on May 1st in most countries (except for the US, which celebrates in September). We already introduced Labor Day in Indonesia last year, so go back and read that post to learn a bit about the history of the holiday and the fight for working people in the country. Today, we’re going to honor all the workers out there by learning some job titles in Indonesian.
Cheers to all the hardworking people in Indonesia.
When you meet people in Indonesia, they always want to know where you come from and what your job is. Here’s how to ask/answer about someone’s job:
Q: What’s your job?
Apa pekerjaan anda?
A: I work as a/an…
Saya bekerja sebagai…
I’m a/an…
Of course, the first answer is a bit more proper and formal. People like to keep things simple in Indonesia, so unless you’re talking to someone like the president, the second form is perfectly acceptable. Now let’s learn 30 common job titles in Indonesian:
accountant = akuntan/penata buku
actor = aktor
artist = seniman
assistant = asisten
athlete = atlet
business person = penusaha
chef = koki/juru masuk
dentist = dokter gigi
designer = perancang
doctor = dokter
driver = sopir
engineer = insinyur
farmer = petani
journalist = wartawan
lawyer = pengacara
maid/helper = pembantu
manager = manajer
musician = pemusik
nurse = perawat
photographer = juru potret
police officer = polisi
receptionist = resepsionis
scientist = ilmuwan
secretary = sekretaris
singer = penyanyi
teacher = guru
tour guide = pemandu wisata
translator = penterjemah
waiter/waitress = pelayan
writer = penulis
To all the workers out there, Selamat Hari Buruh (Happy Labor Day)! Enjoy the day off, because you’ve earned it!