Presidential Debate Terms and Expressions in Indonesian Posted by asimonoff on Sep 30, 2016 in Uncategorized
Having a political discussion or conversation is always interesting. Take for example the most recent presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump which was considered by the U.S. media as the most-watched presidential debate in history, or maybe in American history.
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How to say it in English | How to say it in Indonesian |
General | Umum |
presidential race | pertarungan pemilihan presiden |
presidential debate | debat Capres (Calon Presiden) |
going head to head | berhadapan langsung |
candidate | kandidat/calon presiden (capres) |
the most-watched | yang paling banyak ditonton |
the most anticipated | yang paling ditunggu-tunggu |
U.S. Secretary of State | Menteri Luar Negeri AS |
… Administration (Obama, Clinton, etc) | Pemerintahan … (Obama, Clinton, dll) |
… party platform | prinsip dasar partai … |
key issues | isu -isu utama |
gain the upper hand | dapat menguasai |
confront each other | saling menyerang |
to appeal | untuk menarik minat |
key demographic group | kelompok-kelompok demografi utama |
the candidates stand on the issues | opsisi para capres terhadap isu-isu … |
polls | jajak pendapat |
middle class | kelas menengah |
leadoff questions | pertanyaan-pertanyaan utama |
Issues | Isu-isu/Permasalahan |
climate change | perubahan iklim |
gun policy | kebijakan tentang kepemilikan senjata api |
-gun control | pengawasan kepemilikan senjata api |
education: | pendidikan |
-debt-free college | -bebas hutang biaya kuliah |
-tuition free | -bebas biaya kuliah |
-affordable college education | -biaya kuliah yang terjangkau |
trade policy | kebijakan perdagangan |
terorism | terorisme |
employment and jobs | lowongan kerja dan kesempatan kerja |
health care | pelayanan kesehatan |
immigration | imigrasi |
taxes | pajak |
social issues | isu-isu/permasalahan sosial |
-gay marriage | perkawinan sesama jenis |
-abortion | aborsi; pengguguran kandungan |
Questions you might want to ask to keep the conversations going.
- What issues will be discussed in the presidential debate? (Apa saja isu yang akan dibahas dalam debat capres?)
- Who has a better understanding about economic and foreign affairs? (Siapa yang lebih menguasai tentang masalah ekonomi, urusan luar negeri ?)
- Which candidate has a better economic plan? (Kandidat/capres mana yang memiliki rencana ekonomi lebih baik?)
- Who won the debate? (Siapa yang unggul dalam debat capres tersebut?)
- What it will take for a candidate to win the debate? (Apa saja yang harus dilakukan oleh seorang kandidat untuk bisa memenangkan debat tersebut?)
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a line.

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About the Author: asimonoff
I’m an Indonesian language instructor, instructional material developer, reading test developer, and interpreter. I have been teaching Indonesian to adult students for 15 years, and have been teaching students from many backgrounds, such as private, military and diplomatic service employees. I’m Indonesian, but am living in the US now; my exposure to different cultures in my home country and in the US has enriched my knowledge in teaching Indonesian as a second language. I approach the teaching of the Indonesian language by developing students’ critical cultural awareness and competence. This method of teaching has been proven to be a key to the success of my students. Students become conscious of the essential role culture plays in the language.