Transparent Inglês

Real English: Daily Routines Posted by on May 26, 2010 in Intermediário

Hello, there! How’s it going?

Hoje trago um áudio feito pelo Jeremy, meu colega de trabalho lá na Transparent Language em Boston. Ele é um cara super pra frente, cheio de ideias e sempre me dá uma mão com dicas pra trazer pra vocês aqui. Neste áudio ele fala um pouco de como é seu dia, de segunda a sexta. Algumas palavras e expressões foram traduzidas para melhorar a compreensão, ok? I hope you like it!

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Hi, there, everybody. My name’s Jeremy and I’d like to give you a little bit of an idea as to what I do during the weekdays, Monday through Friday.

First, I hop out of bed (pulo da cama) at about 7. Shower, make cereal for breakfast, pack my computer, lunch, and gym clothes.

At around 7:30, I drive out of Boston, where I live, to Nashua, New Hampshire, about a 40-minute ride (viagem) away.

I usually get there and start to brainstorm (pensar) new ideas for the day. Instead of (em vez de) checking e-mail and returning calls, and because I find I’m most creative in the morning, I usually leave those things for later in the afternoon.

My job has a lot of formal and informal functions. I was hired (contratado) to manage and improve (melhorar) language writers while working with social media sites and web applications. This is a fairly (um tanto) new thing for the company I work for, so I’m actually (na verdade) defining a lot of the process as I go along (durante o percurso).

Most days are fairly different as a result (por causa disso). Sometimes a blogger will resign (pedir as contas) and I’ll have to find a replacement (substituição), other times something goes very wrong with the vocabulary that we provide people, and I have to figure out (achar um jeito de) how to fix that. It’s creative and fairly undefined so far (até agora), but I enjoy it after almost 4 months of having worked there.

At lunchtime I usually sit at my desk so I can keep working. Every once in a while (de vez em quando) I’ll leave the office to order food, but this is rare because it’s more expensive to buy food.

I’m not a huge fan of the hangover (ressaca) coffee gives me so I don’t take coffee breaks (fazer intervalos para tomar café). I prefer to work through the day (trabalhar o dia inteiro) so that at the end of it I can sip on (tomar) a nice cold beer, especially in the summer time when it’s hot.

Luckily (Ainda bem que) I can arrive to work whenever (a hora que) I want and leave whenever I want. Most days I get into work (entro no trabalho) at 8:15 or 8:30 am and leave at about 5:30. It’s a long time to be at my desk, I know that, you know, you’re sitting constantly, and I’m not a very sedentary person by nature, so almost every day I work I also feel the need to go work out at the gym that’s close by (que fica pertinho).

By the time (Na hora que) I’m done (eu termino de) exercising, rush hour is over so I make it home (chego em casa) more quickly than I would have if I had left immediately after work. This is a good thing because I spend less time in the car and more time chilling (descansando) with my buddies (amigos), reading, or watching basketball.

In the evenings I like to hang out (ficar) on the stoop (escadaria) of our house if the weather is nice or, if it’s rainy, I’ll run some errands (fazer algumas tarefas). Because I get up earlier in the morning I usually go to sleep at 11 or 11:30 so I can feel rested the next day.

Anyway (Enfim), that’s my Monday through Friday routine. I think it’s pretty fun, not as not as fun as the weekends so sta
y tuned (fique ligado) to hear my Friday through Sunday routine next!

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.