Transparent Inglês

Texto em inglês básico: Julia comes to the rescue Posted by on Mar 21, 2011 in Iniciante

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Hoje temos um texto em inglês básico, com a tradução de algumas palavras e expressões. O texto é sobre Julia Johnson, uma adolescente que salva várias vidas. Check it out!

As always, Julia Johnson, a high school student, leaves home early in the morning to go to class. It is 6 AM and she´s alone in the street. Suddenly, she sees fire coming out of an apartment building. As she sees the flames, she enters the building shouting “Fire!” She helps an old man outside and returns to help a woman, Claire Souza, to safety. Then she re-enters the building and goes to the second floor where she finds a woman and three children. They are trying to find their away out. Julia takes a child and holds the hand of the woman. She leads them outside and returns to the building.

as always – como sempre
high school student – aluno(a) do ensino médio
leave home – sair de casa
early in the morning – logo de manhãzinha
go to class – ir para a aula
suddenly – de repente
come out – sair
apartment building – prédio residencial
help (someone) outside – ajudar alguém a sair (de algum lugar)
safety – segurança
second floor – segundo andar
find one’s way out – encontrar a saída

She pounds on the door of 89-year-old William Bennett, who is hard of hearing. He doesn´t open the door at first. Julia persists and he finally opens the door. At first, Bennett thinks Julia is delirious and shuts the door. Julia then knocks on Bennett´s door several times before she persuades the elderly man to leave. She takes him out and then returns to check there is no one else inside the burning building.

pound – bater com força
hard of hearing – com problemas de audição
at first – a princípio
delirious – louco
shut the door – fechar a porta
elderly – idoso
no one else – ninguém mais
burning – queimando

The fire fighters arrive. They discover the fire was caused by an electrical fault. Julia goes home, tells her mother about the incident, and returns to the building with food and clothes for the victims. In all, she saves 7 people from the fire.

fire fighters – bombeiros
was caused – foi causado
go home – ir para casa
in all – no total

No one is injured and no one dies. John Coleman, a firefighter, says without her help some people would not be there to thank her. As a token of their gratitude, they have decided to change the name of the building, which was called Guy Fawkes, to “Julia” (major reconstruction of the building is soon to start). Mayor Tony Hyde is also considering awarding her a certificate of recognition for her bravery.

injured – machucado
without – sem
would not be – não estariam
as a token of gratitude – como sinal de gratidão
major reconstruction – grande reconstrução
award – dar como prêmio
recognition – reconhecimento
bravery – bravura, coragem

Louise Barnes, who lives on the second floor said, “She saved me and my three kids. We love her for that.” After the situation calmed down, modest Julia said, “I was around and just wanted to help”.

calm down – acalmar-se
I was around – eu estava por ali

Fonte: Insight

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.


  1. Suhhh:

    Olá,sabe…eu gosto muito de aprender com textos,pequenas histórias. Eu consigo me lembrar muuto mais o que aprendi, do que com frases “soltas” apenas. Ah, e quando o texto é pequeno eu costumo transcrevê-lo em um caderno, assim memorizo mais facilmente e também invento uma outra história baseada nessa, e uso o vocabulário que acabei de aprender mais o que já aprendi. Tem dado certo! Obrigada, o texto foi muito útil.

  2. FABIO:

    Muito bom. Excelente maneira de complementar o ingles para quem não tem muito tempo de estudar no dia a dia. Bem didático, objetivo e prático.

  3. mateus:

    gostei muito parabens

  4. Su:

    Very good!

  5. larissa:

    gostei muito do texto,me ajudou muito porque eu tava sem nenhum texto pra atividade de ingles…

  6. Pedro:

    This history is exciting. Very good.

  7. Lorena Mª:

    Well, I liked, but I think that you could think about put the pronunciation oh certain words. Sorry for my English, but I’m not fluent, YET… :):D

  8. Matheus:

    oh Very good! this site me helped very =)

  9. gustavo:

    eu gostei mas nem tanto

  10. Anônimo:

    Wow, Very very good

    Uau Muito Muito bom

  11. Andycavaco:

    Eu vou passar no mestrado por causa desse texto. Obrigado.

  12. Francis:

    Exatamente o tipo de texto que eu precisava pra passar pros meus alunos, obrigado!

  13. Danilo Rodolfi:

    I like so much,excelent!