Transparent Inglês

Interview with Josh Groban Posted by on Oct 5, 2011 in Avançado

Hi, there!

I just love Josh Groban’s voice, he’s such a talented singer and musician. I found this short audio interview with him and I thought I’d share it with you. I also put a little English-English glossary to help you the the most difficult words and expressions, ok? Enjoy!

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When you were a child, you were very musical.


And you wanted to be in musicals… I mean, what was a dream that you had?

I knew I was very musical but it wasn’t necessarily that I dreamed of having a music career until later in life. I knew that music was in my life and I knew that music was my greatest joy.


But I wasn’t thinking about a job. I wasn’t thinking about that kind of thing. So …it wasn’t until I was maybe 14 that I started to realize, “Oh my gosh! Wouldn’t it be amazing if I could actually make a living doing what I love, making music.” And so it kind of, it found itself in different ways. I took acting, I loved theater, I loved the arts. I kept writing music, I did musical theater and opera. I just kinda did a lot of things and eventually it turned into kind of this last ten-year journey of what these CDs are and I can’t believe that it actually came true.

I see. Yeah, it sounds like… I mean, reading your biography, it sounds as if like it just happened rather than you actually planned in how to…

It did just happen. I mean, there’s always preparation. I mean, luck is, you know, preparation meets opportunity.

Yeah, definitely.

And so, I think that in my preparation was that because I love music so much, I was constantly playing it. So, I was learning and I was taking voice lessons. I’m not self-taught vocally.


So, I was doing it for the sheer love of it and then the opportunity came. And the door was open and I had to walk through the door. But then, every day after that happened, it’s been a wonderful learning experience.


kind of / kinda – used when you are talking about someone or something in a general way without being very exact or definite
It kind of brings up an issue we talked about at the first meeting.
He was kind of strange, but I liked him.

Oh my gosh! – used for showing that you are surprised or a little annoyed

amazing – very pleasant or enjoyable
We had an amazing time in Thailand.
What an amazing meal!

actually – used for emphasizing that something is surprising
It looks as if Tony is actually doing some work.
Some patients actually got worse after receiving the treatment.

turn into – to become
Our vacation turned into a nightmare.

rather than – used for saying that one thing is preferred to another or happens instead of another, instead of
Doug chose to quit rather than admit that he’d made a mistake.
Rather than criticizing your husband, why not find out if there’s something wrong?

self-taught – people who are self-taught have learned particular skills by themselves, instead of being taught by someone

sheer – used for emphasizing the amount or degree of something
Maya succeeded through sheer hard work.
We were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work.
In the end, they overcame the enemy through sheer weight of numbers.

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.