Transparent Inglês

Aprenda a condicional em inglês com rap! Posted by on Apr 16, 2013 in Iniciante

E aí, pessoal? Tudo bem?

Hoje temos um outro vídeo do Fluency MC, o professor Jason Levine. Você já viu o Jason aqui com a paródia do Gangnam Style e neste vídeo ele nos ensina a condicional em inglês com rap!

Vamos cantar e aprender inglês!

Unreal Now – Practice with Conditionals

If you had more money, would you have a better life?
Do you wish you were married and had a husband or a wife?

If you went around the world, who would you meet?
If you fell, would you land on your own two feet?

Would you ever cheat on a final exam?
If your friend needed help, would you give her a hand?

Do you wish you wish you were taller, cuter or thinner?
If you met the President, would you ask him to dinner?

Would you be the winner if we played a game?
If you moved somewhere different, would you still act the same?

Could you live in a shack all by yourself?
Would you own a gun and keep it on your shelf?

If you had poor health, would you write your will?
Would you choose to live forever if it came in a pill?

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.


  1. Robert McCall:

    Wonderful video – energy, fun, compelling – gotta like it!