Agus Anois an Ceistiúchán: Páirteanna Rothair i nGaeilge: Líon Isteach na Bearnaí Posted by róislín on May 23, 2018 in Irish Language
(le Róislín)
How about a little more practice with the parts of a bicycle, to follow up on the recent post on páirteanna rothair (nasc thíos)? As you may recall, that post was inspired by the saga of octogenarian travel writer Dervla Murphy’s travel account of cycling from Ireland to India. Alone! On a bicycle with one functioning speed!! And in 1963!!!
Today we have the same graphic as in the previous post, but with most of the letters left blank. If any of you really want to quiz yourself harder, you can, of course, blank out any of the remaining words or letters, and increase the dúshlán [challenge; remember: silent “s” because it’s “lenited,” so this is pronounced something like “doo-hlawn”].
The instructions given above are in the singular. Líon isteach na bearnaí. If you’re using this in a classroom exercise, you might want to make it plural: Líonaigí isteach na bearnaí.
So here’s the template. Áth mór ort! Tá na freagraí thíos.
- frithchaiteoir _t_ __ __ __ __ __ __
- frithchaiteoir _d_ __ __ __ __ __ __
- frithchaiteoirí _s_ __ __ __ __
- frithchaiteoirí _t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- _d_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
- _f_ __ __ __ __ / _c_ __ __ __ __ __ __
- _r_ __ __ __
- _s_ __ __ __ __ __ __
- _f_ __ __ __ __ _r_ __ __ __ __
- _c_ __ __ __ __ __
- _b_ __ __ __
- _m_ __ __
- _s_ __ __ __ __ __ __
- _t_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
- aistreoir slabhra _t_ __ __ __ __ __ __
- aistreoir slabhra _d_ __ __ __ __ __ __
- _h_ __ __ __ __ __
- greamán _h_ __ __ __ __
- coscáin _d_ __ __ __ __ __ __
- coscáin _t_ __ __ __ __ __ __
Slán go fóill — Róislín
- frithchaiteoir tosaigh, front reflector
- frithchaiteoir deiridh, rear deflector
- frithchaiteoirí spóca, spoke reflectors
- frithchaiteoirí troitheáin, pedal reflectors
- diallait, saddle
- fráma / cabhail, frame (both words mean “frame”)
- roth, wheel
- spócaí, spokes
- fonsa rotha, wheel rim, lit. “rim (of) wheel”
- comhla, valve
- bonn, tire
- mol, hub.
- slabhra, chain
- troitheáin, pedals
- aistreoir slabhra tosaigh, front derailleur, lit. front chain changer
- aistreoir slabhra deiridh, rear derailleur, lit. rear chain changer
- handlebars, hanlaí
- greamán hanla, handlebar grip. The plural would be “greamáin hanla.” “Hanla” stays singular because it’s used here as an adjective, to describe the type of “greamáin.” “Handlebars” (plural) has the “-í” ending (hanlaí), as you can see in no. 17 above.
- coscáin tosaigh, front brakes
- coscáin deiridh, rear brakes
Nasc don bhlag faoi pháirteanna an rothair: PÁIRTEANNA ROTHAIR i nGAEILGE (Parts of a Bicycle, in Irish) Posted by róislín on May 20, 2018 in Irish Language
Nasc don iarbhlagmhír faoi Dervla Murphy: Cé a chuaigh ó Éirinn go dtí an India ar rothar (Which Irish cyclist went from Ireland to India by bike) agus ar an ábhar sin, cén Ghaeilge atá ar ‘full tilt’?Posted by róislín on May 15, 2018 in Irish Language
Agus maidir leis an rothar a bhí ag Dervla Murphy (‘Roz’ aka Rozinante):!topic/

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