Archive for 'Culture'
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Posted by Bridgette on Mar 17, 2022

Mora daoibh go léir! Greetings to you all! Earlier today in Dublin there was a large parade to celebrate, and you can see the recorded video here: Besides the celebrations today, there will be celebrations all throughout the weekend in Dublin. Check out some of the scheduled events here. The festival organizers talk about this…
Téarma and Foras na Gaeilge Posted by Bridgette on Feb 28, 2022

Haigh! Have you ever heard of Téarma? It is An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge (The National Terminology Database for Irish). From their website: Seo é an bunachar náisiúnta téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge, á bhainistiú ag grúpa taighde Gaois, Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge (DCU) i gcomhar leis an gCoiste Téarmaíochta, Foras na Gaeilge. Tá c.186,000 iontráil dhátheangach ar fáil sa…
Lá Fhéile Vailintín – Valentine’s Day Posted by Bridgette on Feb 14, 2022

Lá fhéile Vailintín sona duit – Happy Valentine’s Day! Today many people are celebrating love all around the world. If you happen to find yourself in Dublin it may be fitting to visit Whitefriar Street Church to see the resting place of St. Valentine himself! They were gifted to the church in the 19th century…
Irish Wordle: FOCLACH Posted by Bridgette on Jan 31, 2022

Dia daoibh! You may have already heard the hype around the new addictive word game called Wordle. This simple daily game challenges you to guess a word in six tries, and it lets you know if a letter is in the word or not, and whether it is in the right place. The word is…
Nursery Rhymes and an Irish Christmas Carol Posted by Bridgette on Dec 21, 2021

Haigh, a chairde! Nursery rhymes and song are key when learning language as a kid, so I wanted to share some typical nursery rhymes in Irish, as well as a Christmas carol and a video to accompany it. 🎄 A haon, a dó, muc is bó A haon, a dó, muc is bó, A trí…
Féile an Altaithe – Thanksgiving Posted by Bridgette on Nov 24, 2021

Haigh, a chairde! We all know Thanksgiving is an American holiday and thus not celebrated in Ireland, but did you know the influence Ireland might of had on the first Thanksgiving? Apparently in February of 1631, after a hard winter, the pilgrims were ecstatic to find that some hope and sustenance had arrived in a…
Texting in Irish Posted by Bridgette on Oct 22, 2021

Texting in Irish Love it or hate it, modern technology and texting has given rise to a new sort of language, and that is language of texts and emojis to quickly communicate your thoughts, needs, and emotions. In Irish it’s no different – and it’s especially exciting because it means that the language is really…