Ó Abair An Léir Dhuit, Véarsa 2: Oh, Say Can You See, 2nd verse (Amhrán Náisiúnta na Stát Aontaithe) Posted by róislín on Jun 21, 2012 in Irish Language
(le Róislín)
Most people only sing the first verse of “The Star-Spangled Banner” but an tAthair Ó Gramhnaigh translated all four verses. Here is Véarsa a Dó, with the same set-up as in the previous blog. I’ve split the lines to facilitate the columns and I’ve added a pronunciation guide and a literal translation. The original English by Francis Scott Key is in parentheses. Bainigí sult as a bheith ag síneadh bhur dtéada gutha! Sin é, an téacs thíos, an ghluais faoi sin, agus an gluaisín faoin ngluais, SGF, Róislín
P.S. An bhfuair tú an nóta is airde? Tá sé deacair, fiú má tá tú sa ngléas ceart do do ghuth!
Gaeilge agus Treoir Fhuaimnithe | Aistriúchán Focal ar Fhocal (NB: very literal!) agus faoi sin, an gnáth-théacs i mBéarla | |||
An Bhratach Gheal-réaltach, Véarsa 2 | The Star-Spangled Banner, Verse 2 | |||
Mini-Guide to the Transcription System: a) “rzh” like the “r” in English “tree;” b) “le” like “let,” not like French “le;” c) “kh” like German “Buch,” Welsh “bach,” Scottish “Loch;” this sound isn’t in std. English; d) “uh” like the “u” in “putt,” not like “put” or German “Huhn;” e) “oo” like English “fool” or “cool;” f) “hy” like English “human,” “hew,” or “hue,” NOT like “hydrogen” or Welsh “hylo;” g) “dh” please see the previous blog (18 Meitheamh 2012) | ||||
1a | Ar an trá thall, go doiléir [err un traw hawl guh DIL-yayrzh] | On yonder shore, dimly (On the shore dimly seen) | ||
1b | I lár cheonna na dtonn [ih lawr HYOH-nuh nuh dun] | in the midst of the fogs of the waves (through the mists of the deep) | ||
2a | Tá slua mór Shasan’ [taw SLOO-uh mor HASS-un] | There is England’s big horde (Where the foe’s haughty host) | ||
2b | Go gruama ina luí; [guh GROO-uh-muh nuh lee] | Gloomily lying down; (in dread silence reposes,) | ||
3a | Cad é siúd ar an ard thuas [kad ay shood err un awrd HOO-us] | What is that up on high (What is that which the breeze) | ||
3b | Ag luascadh anonn [ egg LOO-us-kuh uh-NUN] | Up swinging over, (o’er the towering steep) | ||
4a | Is á cheilt is á thaispeáint, [iss aw hyeltch iss aw HASH-pyawntch] | And being hidden and being shown, (As it fitfully blows,) | ||
4b | ‘réir athrú na gaoithe? [rayrzh AH-hroo nuh gee-uh] | According to the change of the wind? (half conceals, half discloses?) | ||
5a | ‘Nois tá solas na gréine [NISH taw SOl-us nuh GRAYN-yuh] | Now the light of the sun is (Now it catches the gleam) | ||
5b | Ag lonradh air go tréan [egg LON-ruh err guh trzhayn] | Shining on it strongly (of the morning’s first beam,) | ||
6a | ‘Nois is léir dhom a scáile [nish iss layrzh hom uh SKAWL-yuh] | Now I clearly see its reflection (In full glory reflected) | ||
6b | Sa toinn — féach í féin! [suh tin – faykh ee hayn] | In the wave — look at it itself! (now shines in the stream) | ||
7a | ‘Sí an bhratach gheal-réaltach, [shay un VRAH-tukh YA-AL-RAYL-tukh] | It’s the star-spangled banner, (‘Tis the star-spangled banner!) | ||
7b | Go raibh sí go síor [guh ruh-uh shee-ee guh-uh shee-ur] | May it forever be (Oh long may it wave) | ||
8a | Os cionn thír na gcrógach [us kyun HEE-IRzh nuh groh-GUKH] | Above the country of the brave (O’er the land of the free) | ||
8b | is talamh na saor! [ih-iss TAL-uv nuh seer] | and the land of the free! (and the home of the brave!) | ||
Gluais 1 (only the words that weren’t glossed in the previous blog)
1 | A; á | Its, his, her, their; á = At its; at his, at her, at their | 22 | Lonradh | shining | |
2 | Anonn | over | 23 | Luí | Lying down | |
3 | Ard | High; high place | 24 | Luascadh | Swinging | |
4 | Ar; air | On; on it/on him | 25 | ‘nois | now | |
5 | Athrú | Change; changing | 26 | Na; na | The (plural); of the | |
6 | Cad é?; Cad é siúd? | What (is) it?; What’s that? | 27 | ‘réir | According to | |
7 | ceilt | Hiding (act of) | 28 | Sa | In the | |
8 | Ceo, ceonna | Fog, fogs | 29 | Sasan’; Shasan’ | England; of England | |
9 | Dhom | To me | 30 | Scáile | reflection | |
10 | Féach! | Look! | 31 | Sí | she | |
11 | Gaoth; gaoithe | Wind; of wind | 32 | Siúd | yonder | |
12 | Grian, na gréine (pronounced here as na gréin’) | Sun; of the sun | 33 | Slua | Horde, host | |
13 | Go raibh sí (etc.) … | May she (etc.) be … | 34 | Solas | light | |
14 | Go gruama | gloomily | 35 | Tá | Is/are | |
15 | Go doiléir | murkily | 36 | Taispeáint | showing | |
16 | Í féin | Her/she herself | 37 | Trá | Beach, shore, strand | |
17 | Is [say “iss,” in Irish] | Is [say “izz,” in English] | 38 | Thall | Over there | |
18 | Is = ‘s =agus | And | 39 | Thuas | Up, above | |
19 | Go tréan | strongly | 40 | toinn | wave (dative case, after “sa”) | |
20 | I; ina | In; in its/in his/in her | 41 | Tonn; na dtonn | Wave; of the waves | |
21 | Lár | middle | ||||
Gluais 2 (gluaisín beag bídeach, leis an fhírinne a rá): gléas, key (re: music); guth, voice (gutha, of voice); síneadh, stretching; téad, string, rope, cord (téada, strings, ropes, cords), téad ghutha, vocal cord (téada gutha, vocal cords)

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