Tag Archives: Bláthnaid
Saying ‘Hi’ to Aoife or Tadhg in Irish: Direct Address Forms for Names in the New Video ‘When You Order Coffee with an Irish Name’ Posted by róislín on Aug 19, 2018

(le Róislín) Names like “Caoimhe” or “Bláthnaid” may seem unusual to people outside Ireland or the growing “cibear-Ghaeltacht.” And this may include baristas ar fud an domhain (around the world), or everywhere the Irish diaspora has spread. This issue was dealt with delightfully in the new video ‘When You Order Coffee with an Irish Name,’ which…
An féidir leat déileáil leo seo? Irish Language Practice for the New Video ‘When You Order Coffee with an Irish Name’ Posted by róislín on Aug 16, 2018

(le Róislín) Many of you many have seen by now the entertaining new video ‘When You Order Coffee with an Irish Name,’ which shows a barista in a coffee bar looking baffled by some traditional Irish names (nasc thíos). Perhaps some of you have had similar experiences in real life. If so, scríobh isteach, le…
In ómós don sár-réalta shiamsaíochta Prince — Réaltnéal Corcra (a memorial note with some Irish phrases) Posted by róislín on Apr 25, 2016
(le Róislín) Agus mé amuigh ag siúl oíche Dhéardaoin seo caite chonaic mé marquee ag rá “RIP Prince.” Ar dtús ní raibh a fhios agam cén fáth a raibh sé sin scríofa. Bhí mé istigh an chuid is mó den lá ar an lá sin agus níor thug mé mórán airde don nuacht. …
Five More Irish Names for Girls — Names with a Flower Theme (Bláth / Bláithín / Bláthnaid, Daifne / Dafnae, Lil / Lile, Nóinín, Róisín / Róis / Róise, and, sort of, Mairéad / Maighréad) Posted by róislín on Apr 21, 2016
(le Róislín) OK, so that’s really “trí ainm déag” but five name “families”, so I stuck with using “five” in the title of this blogpost, since it matches the format of the recent other entries in this series (naisc thíos). If anyone has some further suggestions for names based on flowers, I’d love to hear…