Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: breac

Irish ‘Fill in the Blanks’ for ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ (Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag) (cuid/part 1 of 2) Posted by on Dec 28, 2017

(le Róislín) What kind of bird (cén sórt éin) is that in the tree?  And what kind of tree (cén sórt crainn) is it?  How would you fill in the phrase “sé __ __ __ ag breith“?  And what are those píobairí and drumadóirí doing ar an 11ú lá agus an 12ú lá den Nollaig? …

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How to say ‘rat’ in Irish and a continuation of the glossary for ‘An Píobaire Breac’ (an t-aistriúchán le Seán Ó Dúrois (Cuid 4/4) Posted by on Oct 7, 2017

(le Róislín) Seo an chuid dheireanach den ghluais don dán “An Píobaire Breac” (The Pied Piper) a tosaíodh cúpla seachtain ó shin (naisc thíos).  Tá súil agam go raibh seans agaibh an t-aistriúchán le Seán Ó Dúrois a fháil (eolas foilseacháin thíos) agus é a léamh.  Nó b’fhéidir é a úsáid i rang.  Dála an…

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How to say ‘rat’ in Irish and a continuation of the glossary for ‘An Píobaire Breac’ (an t-aistriúchán le Seán Ó Dúrois) (Cuid 3) Posted by on Sep 30, 2017

(le Róislín) Bhuel, the Christmas carol, “Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag” may refer to “aon phíobaire dhéag,” but I could only come up with five pipers (cúigear píobairí) so far for the graphic for this blogpost.  Nevertheless, it’s interesting to see the different styles of illustration and different approaches to his “pied-ness” — is it…

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How to say ‘rat’ in Irish and a continuation of the glossary for ‘An Píobaire Breac’ (an t-aistriúchán le Seán Ó Dúrois) (Cuid 2) Posted by on Sep 25, 2017

(le Róislín) Today we’ll continue the glossary started in the previous blog (nasc thíos) to help with reading “An Píobaire Breac,” Seán Ó Dúrois’s lively translation of Robert Browning’s “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” (Eolas foilseacháin thíos). First a brief review from last time.  There are two main ways to say “rat” in Irish, one…

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How to say ‘rat’ in Irish and a preliminary glossary for reading ‘An Píobaire Breac’ (an t-aistriúchán le Seán Ó Dúrois) (Cuid 1 as 4) Posted by on Sep 23, 2017

(le Róislín) In today’s post, we’ll look at one of my favorite translations into Irish, Seán Ó Dúrois’s version of Robert Browning’s “The Pied Piper of Hamelin.”  The two words that intrigue me the most are “francach” and “luch mhór,” both of which mean “rat.”  But they each have at least one other potential meaning…

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Deir an Dúmheidic (Black Medick): “Ba mhaith liomsa a bheith i m’iomaitheoir freisin!” Posted by on Mar 13, 2012

(le Róislín) In the last blog (, I noted that there were at least eight contenders for the title of “shamrock,” including seamsóg (wood-sorrel) and various types of seamair (clover).  The blog I cited ( mentioned there being eight possibilities, but only elaborated on six (five types of clover and the wood-sorrel).  So what are the other…

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Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag (The Twelve Days of Christmas) Posted by on Dec 25, 2010

(le Róislín)  For the next few (six really) blogs, I thought I’d check out the gifts mentioned sa charúl Nollag, “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”  There are so many gifts, we’ll do two per blog and see if that ends up on the actual 12th day of Christmas. Be warned, there are at least four…

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