Tag Archives: Buch
In Irish, should we say “an enchilada fada” or “an t-enchilada fada” or “an enchilada fhada”? Posted by róislín on Jul 10, 2017

(le Róislín) Since I had so much fun in the last blogpost (nasc thíos) saying “enchilada fada” to myself, I thought you might enjoy playing around with the phrase also. Actually, there’s a very serious question to be addressed first. If we say “enchilada” in an Irish language sentence, should we consider the word to…
Some Irish Words Starting with the Letter ‘X’ (Part 1 of 2) Posted by róislín on Sep 14, 2015
(le Róislín) As you might suspect, there are relatively few words in Irish that start with the letter ‘x,’ since it wasn’t part of the traditional original Irish alphabet (which was a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, and u). We’ve seen something similar for…
How to Say ‘Happy New Year’ in Irish and How to Pronounce the Consonant Cluster “thbhl” Posted by róislín on Dec 31, 2014
(le Róislín) Athbhliain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise duit. Happy New Year to you. Athbhliain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise daoibh. Happy New Year to you (plural). So how do we pronounce that, what does it literally mean, why are the actual words “happy” and “new” not in the phrase, and where does a consonant…
Eolaithe Eile (agus Eolaíochtaí Eile) Posted by róislín on Aug 5, 2014
(le Róislín) While we’re on a roll with occupations, especially “-ologists,” I thought we could add a few more. This time, they’ll be a mix and match, just to add a little more … what’s that great compound word again … “dúshlán.” Understanding “dúshlán” as a compound word (originally “dubh” + “slán,” becoming “shlán” [hlawn]…
How to Say ‘2014’ in Irish Posted by róislín on Dec 31, 2013
(le Róislín) Dhá mhíle is a ceathair déag. Piece o’ cake, right? Well, maybe, but for anyone new to the language, here is a rough pronunciation guide: [γaw VEEL-yuh iss uh KYA-hirzh djayg]. [Pointe léirithe, 4 Eanáir 2014: ní an litir “y” atá i gceist i “γaw” ach an tsiombail teangeolaíochta “γ” .i. an tsiombail…
Saying “I love you” in Irish and Minding Your Velar Fricatives Posted by róislín on Oct 9, 2011
(le Róislín) We’ve recently been looking at different ways to say “I love you” in Irish. Some of you might have been wondering how to pronounce them, especially the phrases where the straightforward “grá” [graw] changes to “ghrá” [γraw, to be explained below, note the IPA gamma symbol for the “gh”] and the straightforward “croí” changes…
Harry Potter agus an Teanga Gaeilge? (ar leanúint) Posted by róislín on Jul 20, 2009
Cén fáth an bhéim seo ar Harry Potter? Tá mé ag Azkatraz 2009 faoi láthair, comhdháil faoi na leabhartha, na scannáin, agus rud ar bith a bhaineanns le Harry Potter. Why this emphasis on Harry Potter? I’m at Azkatraz 2009 at the moment, a convention about the books, the movies, and anything related to Harry Potter. Seo…